
When we talk about web development and technologies, we have many options, don’t we? Every firm wants to make an impression online in this age of eCommerce. This has resulted in an unprecedented demand for web developers. According to a recent analysis, the world has more than 1.7 billion websites, and the number is continually growing. There are numerous web development platforms in the market. However, AngularJS is the top and foremost choice for web development. But great declarative languages leave a lot to be desired in the realm of a web application, and this is where AngularJS shines.

There is a paradigm shift in how businesses are operating in 2021. When we are hustling to kickstart our digital transformation journey, the right approach and methodology is what we want. Irrespective of what industry you are venturing into, mobile applications have proven to be a key enabler in digital transformation strategy. Mobile applications have helped businesses to tailor their product specifically to their customer needs. While looking for the right technology stack for your mobile applications, you might get confused among the numerous options available.

With this piece of content, let’s dig a bit deeper into Angular JS and understand the new possibilities for mobile apps. According to Statista (Most used web frameworks among developers), Angular is among the topmost used web frameworks used by software developers worldwide.

Below is a screenshot of Angular Js Usage Statistics:

Angular JS Usage Statistics

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is one of the best frameworks for building vigorous, single-page web applications such as PayPal and Netflix, and many more. AngularJS is a dynamic and adaptable JavaScript system that is generally famous for building dynamic single-page applications (SPA), web applications, and cross-stage versatile applications.

For quite a long time, Angular went through a few updates and continued developing a fantastic system for rebuilding the JavaScript code. Angular is an open-source software platform that provides an API – developed primarily by Google, a group of individuals and companies to overcome many of the problems of developing SPAs. Let me tell you, Forbes and Upwork are now utilizing Angular for a long time to know its validity and repute.

Here are some features that AngularJS offers to developers:

  • It comes stacked with all orders to assist with expanding HTML credits.
  • It provides a few inbuilt guidelines for consolidating information into HTML.
  • The unit testing component is equipped.
  • It permits you to deliver HTML and regulators.
  • AngularJS allows you to alter J-inquiry DOM libraries.

Read More: 11 Top JavaScript Mobile Frameworks: Don’t Miss These

Domains Where AngularJS Can Be Implemented

The Angular framework has been used in a variety of app applications over the years. Let’s have a look at some of the app categories where Angular is regarded to be helpful.

  • Chat Apps and Real-Time Media

Many media streaming apps are made with Angular in real-time because of their powerful performance and the ability to send video material at a minimum of time. Angular also provides a superb option for chat-based applications where data transfer in real-time is vital.

  • Apps on travel and location

With its dynamic and powerful capabilities, Angular may play an important part when traveling and location-finding apps. The Angular-built travel and location-sensing apps provide optimal performance.

  • Apps for Weather Update

Many of the leading weather updates apps, including the most famous, are developed in Angular. Angular is perfect for this niche since it can create interactive interfaces and stream data in real-time.

  • Apps for Job Portal

Many of the most prominent job portal applications, such as Upwork and, are designed in Angular simply because Angular is ideal for quick updates. Any app that has to be updated frequently finds Angular remarkable.

  • Apps for Social Media

Several strong and most dynamic social media applications, such as LinkedIn, are based on Angular. Angular is a favored solution for such applications since it can manage quick updates, communication, and massive data.

Why is AngularJS immensely popular?

  • Simplicity and Flexibility – AngularJS is a very easy-to-use platform. Angular is unrivaled in creating powerful apps with great architecture, superb functionalities, and incredible flexibility.
  • The MVC Architecture – Developers need to follow an MVC methodology where they would need to part the application into various MVC parts and work on fostering a code to join them. AngularJs doesn’t request engineers to embrace any such makers since it runs on the first MVC design.
  • Easy UI – The following significant advantage of Angular is its declarative UI. Angular uses the HTML language to define the user interface of your web or mobile app. HTML is a more intuitive and declarative language than JavaScript since it is less sophisticated.
  • Support from Google – As Angular is developed and maintained by Google, new upgrades and value enhancements are continuously delivered to you. Google can provide the most unique added value to enhance the user experience of an angular app.
  • Strong community support – AngularJS development for mobiles app is supported by strong community support wide.
  • Two-way data binding feature – While developing an application, security is also an important consideration. Angular Js enables developers to take a data-centric approach to storage; it allows storing data not to be accessed without proper authorization.
  • The POJO Model – The POJO model eases the addition and elimination of properties from the objects within the app. Everything in AngularJS is a POJO (Plain Old JavaScript Object), which eliminates the need for additional getter and setter functions. POJO includes all of the typical JavaScript object manipulation features. It allows you to delete and add characteristics to objects and loop over them at your leisure.
  • The Built-in Testing Modules – Testing is essential in any app project, regardless of the type or niche of the app. AngularJS helps developers in detecting errors, code glitches, performance issues, defects, and so on.
  • Limited Coding Requirements – Developers must deal with more than a thousand lines of code to ensure that all components and modules are correctly generated, but this code must be consistent. When working with AngularJS, it is simple to maintain and monitor code consistency. All of the components are perfectly listed, making it easier to understand the functionality of various parts of the code.
  • SPA-focused features – Angularjs and SPAs are inextricably linked. Angularjs, for example, includes validation capabilities. FormController records the statuses of forms that are used on a page. Using this information, we may modify the behavior of HTML components in the UI (for example, hide the Clear button form if it is empty). Angularjs provides built-in validates for error handling, but you can write your own if necessary. It is possible to display error messages for the entire form or individual fields.
  • Fit for small apps – Designing big web apps obviously takes time, however, AngularJS is extremely fast when developing small-sized apps.
  • Pre-defined solutions – AngularJS includes ready-made and adaptable solutions that may be utilized within the app. Customized solutions, such as UI routing strategies and module practices, are available.
  • CustomizedMobile app developers do not really need to install all libraries at a time while writing the code and add some additional modifications.
  • Client-Side Support – AngularJS is a client-side framework that works with both desktop and mobile browsers. Because no backend changes are necessary, AngularJS can be utilized for any project. As a result, it may be used safely to create the front end of any application.

AngularJS Vs. React -Things you Must Know

  • Framework type: React is a JavaScript library, whereas AngularJS is a structural framework.
  • Learning curve: AngularJS is based on Typescript and React-based on JavaScript.
  • Notable features: AngularJS provides testing of a complete project with a single tool, while React includes a variety of testing tools

When to use AngularJs?

  • When your projects require ready-to-use Angular mobile solutions, validation, increased productivity, availability, and timely decisions.
  • When your projects must concentrate on a broad scope, value, and scale of rich application product development in terms of features and essential functionalities.
  • When developers have extensive familiarity with Java characteristics, C#, and previous versions of Angular.
  • When the app’s complexity in terms of input package and usage remains Low to Medium.
  • When you need to create an enterprise-level application that will require long-term support and maintenance.

When to use React?

  • When you require app results with a variety of events and technologies.
  • When the application development team is proficient in HTML, CSS for styling, and JavaScript.
  • When your project necessitates a highly personalized app.

If you are still unsure about when to use React and Angular JS, read the blog to get more details: AngularJS or ReactJS – Are you unsure of the better JavaScript Framework for your project? 

Top 5 Apps that were developed with AngularJS

  • PayPal – PayPal is a multinational corporation based in the United States that operates in over 200 countries. It is a pioneer in the field of online money transfers.
  • Upwork – UpWork, which provides a platform for employers to find freelancers for any job at any time. It enables the client to work with, hire, and interview freelancers.
  • Netflix – Netflix is headquartered in California (United States) and provides viewers with on-demand internet streaming media. It delivers the most recent movies and TV shows to your door by sending DVDs via Permit Reply Mail.
  • Lego – LEGO is a Danish company that makes plastic toys. AngularJS developers are now in charge of the company’s website, despite being launched in 1996 and have undergone numerous changes.
  • The Guardian – The Guardian is a British newspaper that is widely regarded as the pinnacle of journalism. The developers used AngularJS to create a highly readable and accessible web app that provides global news to its readers.

Final Words:

Today, it’s not easy to find a good development tool for an app in this digital world. Still, after going through and understanding the above substantial benefits of AngularJS, you should undoubtedly opt for the same as it simply brings much more flexibility, making the development process more manageable. Hire the best AngularJS development company and reap the benefits of the same for lifelong!


  1. Douglas Fuller says:

    I am glad that I found this post. Impressive write-up on AngularJs

  2. Douglas Fuller says:

    Impressive write-up on AngularJs

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