
Mobile Application market is rising day by day with ever-increasing ubiquity of mobile devices. Number and variety of user and mobile applications have grown exponentially in the last few years. Mobile application testing is more complex and time consuming than traditional desktop and web application testing.  Mobile application need to be tested on multiple platforms each having various devices and OS versions.


Challenges experienced while Mobile Applications testing are as follows:



1. Variety of devices: Variety of mobile devices with various screen resolutions, screen size, are available in the market, it is not possible to test an application on each and every device 


2. Different Operating system and OS versions: Mobile application testing is going to tough because mobile application can be installed across devices which have different platforms, Operating System (like: iOS, Android, Windows etc.), OS versions (like: iOS 4.x, iOS 5.x, Android 3.x, Android 2.x, Android 4.x etc.) with various screen resolutions, screen size etc. whatever is the OS version on a device, a user can still try to install his/her application, So application should be tested on major Platforms and OS versions.


3. Various Networks: Network can have an enormous effect on mobile applications. There are various mobile network operators in the world. Mobile networks use different technologies like CDMA and GSM with their versions like 2G, 3G and 4G. Apart from it, application should be tested on Wi-Fi network as well.


4. Mobile Environment: Mobile applications operate in a different mobile environment where application’s behavior can be affected by various factors like other application running in background, battery life, switching between networks, available memory and touch screen responsiveness.  These factors require additional testing to ensure acceptable app behavior.


5. Scripting:  Different devices differ in menu structures, keystroke options, input methods and display properties. When we use automated scripting, that script may be or may be not functioning on every device. For example a script that follow strict keystrokes on an Apple iPhone. This script would not work on an Android Phone, because the user interface is totally different. Hence a complex scripting technique is required for mobile application testing.


6. Frequent changes: Mobile application constantly changes based on reviews and feedbacks for functionality enhancement, causing frequent changes in application, lots of applications are launched into the market every day and to cope up with them more changes are recommended and it causes lots of rework for developers and testers.


Posted by-

Nitika chandra


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