
Both the connection groups viz. per-user and Global Publishing are no longer supported. This implies that now the applications in the connection group can only be the one which are either published as Per-User or the one which are published as Global. A lot of fuss was surrounding around APP-V engineers regarding the reduced application support on APP-V 5.0 SP1 as compared to the earlier versions of APP-V especially 4.6. But as SP2 evolved, things started to change and a good percentage of applications started working with APP-V 5.0. Recently, Microsoft released two new hot fixes, HF-4 and HF-5 which solved almost every single issue that was not addressed in the versions prior to it.


Some of the salient features of HF-4 and HF-5 that may be of interest for the enthusiasts’ are-


HF-4 additions:


  • Improved Deployment Speed:

A new protocol called SMB or server message box has been introduced which has made publishing of APP-V application seamless.


  • Write access to virtual file system:

This system has been enabled as against the earlier versions where any write operation in the virtual file system could be done through Primary Virtual Access Directory or PVAD


  • Support for Network related shortcuts:

Executables which are located on a network are now supported as they no longer require a user to log-in in a computer account.


  • Enhanced Package Conversion ratios:

It means that if someone wants to migrate from earlier versions of APP-V to APP-V 5.0, the chances of package conversion has increased.


Some of the features that are incorporated in HF-5 are:


  • Applicable only for APP-V client:

This implies that this update is client feature oriented.


  • Removal of Package store Access control feature:

This feature has been removed as it only worked for “windows desktop client” and for the “Remote desktop server environment.”


  • No support to Connection groups:

Both the connection groups viz. per-user and Global Publishing are no longer supported. This implies that now the applications in the connection group can only be the one which are either published as Per-User or the one which are published as Global.


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