
Microsoft has recently announced of launching its newest WS2003 EOS (end of support) beginning from July 14, 2015. Wherein, customers have to move or migrate their millions of applications to new OS which will be compatible for their requirements.
At present, we have three migration options which can be treated as –

Good Choices – It is a labor intensive migration process that requires manual installation or scripting. The migrating process is time consuming as well as expensive.

Better Choices – This constitutes Virtual Machines and everything related to it.

Best Choices – Appzero’s Zapp extraction migration tool is 70 times faster when compared to manual installation. The time taken for any application by this tool is negligible when compared to other two options.
Once this application of EOS of WS2003 starts, customers have to move their applications either to new servers or new data centers or Cloud deployment modules. In the present system, cloud computing is the best way to store applications. It is defined as a technology where users can access a single server to update and retrieve their data for different applications. Thus, cloud computing provides three deployment modules namely PRIVATE, PUBLIC and HYBRID clouds in which customers can select their appropriate cloud based on their company requirements.


Therefore, Appzero technology is the one which moves server applications in fastest and most flexible way to and from, and amongst any clouds and datacenters including cloud also. However, there are certain specifications required for Appzero installation. It is possible only in Windows 2008, 64 bit, Windows 2008-R2 64 bit, Windows Server 2012 64 bit, Windows 2012 R2, 64 bit respectively. But it is imperative to create VAA (Virtual Application Appliances) for every application with GUI using Appzero’s software component VAA creator. Runtime Intercept layer allows the VAA to isolate the application with zero footprints of OS. These VAAs can manage through the administrative console by using graphical user interface.
Benefits of VAAs –


  • The first and foremost benefit of using VAAs is that it can be balanced and consolidated.
  • They are easy to copy and can be activated to any server. VAA’s can start or stop in any server using “DOCK” and “UNDOCK” command. This command is thus, included in the VAA.
  • One of the major benefits of Appzero is that one can move 32-bit apps to 64-bit OS. In case, if you want to move your application to WS2012, it is not mandatory to first move it to WS2008. You can directly move their apps to WS2012.
  • VAA gives zero foot print of OS thereby reducing the required number of servers. It removes the need to deploy or install applications and also eliminates the need of backup servers consequently saving more time and money.




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