
Every blogger loves to hear the thoughts of his audience for enhanced confidence and amelioration in his blog by taking into consideration the admiration, criticism and suggestions of the readers. However, many times bloggers don’t value this engagement and never bother about the commentator’s opinion and regularity. If you’re also one of them, you’re surely at the verge of losing an awesome reader base that is regularly appreciating your writings and coming out with valuable feedbacks. Since, life is too fast now days, so anyone who takes some time out of his busy schedule to appreciate your efforts actually deserves some special treatment. This would give an incentive to him to visit your blog again and add more value to the feedback section under each post.


This post outlines some great ways you can implement to reward your blog commentators:


CommentLuv Plugin


Most of your readers must own some blog or website, so offering a link back to their website/blog is a great way to pleasantly surprise your commentators. The CommentLuv plug-in is a great way to implement this strategy as it will automatically fetch the recent post of a person commenting on your post.


Highlighting the Top Commentators


Most of the blogs are employing this strategy to pay off their active commentators by highlighting the top names (and if possible a link to their website) on the front page or a dedicated page. This make your regular commentators feel privileged, hence encouraging them to participate further more aggressively.


Running a Contest


Running a comments based contest is something which will help you gain more readers engagement and rewarding your best commentators is a complete win-win situation.


Some of the contest ideas can be “Best comments of the Day” or “Most number of Comments in a month” etc. In return you can announce top 3 or top 5 winners which get some cash prize, gift voucher or website banner/link on your blog for a certain time period. You’ll be amazed to see the response rate.


Payback by Commenting back to your Commentators’ blogs


Just as you, everyone else also likes to be appreciated for their good work. For this, you can simply follow the blogs of your commentators and leave some valuable comments (appreciation or suggestions) on their posts. This is a great way to establish a good relationship with your audience.


Try one of these tricks and feel the difference on your own. Please leave your opinions/views below in the comment box or share if you are using some different way to recognize your commentators.


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