
Google AdWords, a powerful Internet marketing tool that help you get the most out of your search engine marketing efforts. But, the potentiality of this tool isn’t fully realized by the SEO managers. This is why I would like to unveil a volley of staggering Google AdWords features that will better equip you in handling the marketing tasks. So, let’s find out what are these!


1. The Complex Google AdWords Scenario


Day-by-day Google AdWords is becoming a complicated tool. Marketers are facing difficulties in tracking conversion on AdWords. It is not always necessary that users accessing    products or services of your site will eventually lead to some conversion. At times, they decide to purchase the product/service after clicking on a remarketing ad on any of the social  media platforms. Thus, in a given marketing channel, it can create problems attributing your conversion. Today, cross-channel remarketing has become so popular because  prospective clients do not purchase the product/service right away. In fact, initially they will explore and compare prices on different websites and then take a final call.


2. Were You Using All Features Offered by Google?


The best thing about Google is that it rolls out new features at regular intervals. But it is prudent that you make use only of those features that are right for your business. For instance,   you want to generate mobile traffic through desktop clicks for your site. In such a scenario, you will not use Callout Extension. Therefore, you need to analyze your needs and make use  of the extensions which prove beneficial for you in the long run.


3. Pick Volume Over Margins


There is no minimum budget and that is why Google advertises AdWords as every business’ tool. For a start-up company, even five dollars a day will be enough to kick-start it. Advertisers and business owners generally perceive that high margins are equivalent to high volume. If you have the budget and right infrastructure, generating more sales and sacrificing a little margin is the most preferred thing to do.


4. Facing Problems with Video Remarketing


Effective online video campaigns can boost up your business. Another startling feature is that online video remarketing campaigns can be run on Google display network apart from YouTube. In fact, a short 30 second video on a niche website could prove to be more effective than a video uploaded on YouTube. It faces a risk of being overlooked on such a wide platform as YouTube.


5. Mobile Campaigns & Desktop Clicks


Earlier, Google AdWords used to rate its packages as per device. But now, AdWords is no longer offering this feature. Instead, they are running mobile campaigns due to the increasing number of smartphone users. Inevitably, you cannot ignore the desktop but you can surely increase your mobile bid.


6. Let Google Manage Your Account For Initial Three Months for Free


Yes! You’ve heard it right. For the first three months, sales representatives from Google will manage your account. With this, you can easily make out the success of your advertising  campaign and can substantially reduce management costs.


 7. Enjoy a Customized Google+


To make full use of this feature, you need to have to have information about the private betas. If you know that they exist, you can send a request to apply it to your campaigns.


8. Use Google Handouts As Your Own Mini QVC


Now, this one’s a gold mine for advertisers! How many of you were seriously aware of this feature of Google AdWords? (Reply in the comments section below). Google AdWords allow you to sell items directly via Google Hangout. You need to first create a hangout directly from the AdWords interface and then paste the URL to promote it.

Happy Googling!






  1. Michelle says:

    I loved your writing. Thanks for sharing.

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