
Software development is a fast-paced, competitive industry. Change impacts a project’s viability, market assumptions require validation, and project progress must constantly sync with changing business objectives.

Furthermore, the time spent on project completion can add to the variables, arguing for a shorter development timeline. When done correctly, agile software development addresses the aforementioned difficulties. It can complete the project more quickly by delivering incremental deliverables. It necessitates a collaborative effort across teams and fosters client participation, resulting in robust and purpose-driven development.

In this post, let’s look at how the Agile software development life cycle may help you build remarkable products and meet changing business goals in 2024.

Agile SDLC in 2022

What is The Agile software development life cycle?

Agile software development is a set of approaches centered on the idea of iterative development, in which processes and solutions improve over time as cross-functional teams collaborate.

While methods and documentation are essential, Agile teams do not adhere to rigid schedules. If a step jeopardizes the development’s efficiency, they swiftly adjust and improve it. What is important is that you get the most acceptable possible outcomes.

The original Manifesto for Agile Software Development outlines the methodology’s fundamental ideas. The Manifesto’s four central values are as follows:

  • Processes and tools are secondary to individuals and relationships.
  • Working software takes precedence over extensive documentation.
  • Collaboration with customers takes precedence over contract negotiations.
  • Responding to a changeover in a planned manner.

The following are some of the most popular Agile methodologies:

Scrum: A software development methodology characterized by sprints, cycles or phases of development, and the maximum development time for a software product.

Kanban is a form of workflow management that tries to visualize work and increase productivity. It occurs in a board or table separated into columns that depict the software product’s whole flow.

XP (Extreme Programming): Communication, simplicity, feedback, and daring are valued in this philosophy, which places a premium on client pleasure above all else.

Lean Development: Focuses on seven crucial principles: deleting non-essential items, quality development, knowledge creation, differing commitments, fast delivery, team respect, and overall optimization.

Crystal: This is a collection of agile approaches divided into three categories based on team size (Crystal clear (up to an 8-person team), Crystal orange (20 to 50), and Crystal red (50 to 1000), all of which focus on delivering the best possible software development process.

Scrum is the most common Agile approach, according to the State of Agile (2020).

The 6 Agile SDPL Phases

What are the steps in the Agile development process? As I previously stated, this is highly dependent on the methods you employ for your project. Although Kanban, Scrum, iterative development, and other Agile methodologies have the same underlying principle, each approach has subtle differences in measuring and planning software development phases.

The goal of all Agile approaches is the same: to react to change as rapidly as possible and produce working software that satisfies users.

Despite these modest differences, the Agile project life cycle is divided into six phases:

  • Concept
  • Inception
  • Iteration
  • Testing
  • Production
  • Review

Let’s take a close look at each phase below.


When planning the Agile SDLC process, the concept is the initial stage. Before designing the project, product owners produce the basic paperwork and define the initial priorities, often known as the requirements phase. They must respond to the following questions throughout this stage:

  • What is the desired outcome of the project?
  • What features would it be able to accommodate?
  • What characteristics aren’t a must-have?

Product owners are in charge of deciding how a software product will look and function. They also make estimates for the project’s duration and expense. In addition, project managers or business analysts interact with customers to obtain software specifications.

The assumption is that by gathering as many facts as possible, they will better comprehend the client’s expectations.

Although the goal is to collect as much data as possible to describe features and understand critical criteria, it’s important to remember that selective components make the difference. Reduce the basic needs and determine which elements are essential and require later improvements. This will enable development teams to focus more on core features and prioritize the most important to clients.

Project owners establish the scope of a project at the concept phase, prioritizing needs, features, and the client’s expectations.


After establishing and documenting the essential features and requirements in the second stage, it’s time to assemble the software development team.

Product owners will identify the best individuals for the job and offer them all the tools and resources they’ll need to get started on the project.

The next step is to design a user interface simulation and begin building the project architecture when the team members and roles have been established. The inception phase is always completed before construction to guide the team in the appropriate route, and it necessitates preliminary planning and the definition of the software’s essential architecture.

There are two parts to software development planning: 1) The app’s visual design (UI/UX) and architectural structure.

  • Visual design (UI/UX): The designers create a mock-up of the UI and UX. It’s always a good idea to look at what your competitors are doing at this time (and what are they doing wrong)
  • The software architecture: The team debates the best approach to the requirements and the tools they’ll need. This section defines which programming languages, frameworks, and libraries they should utilize.

The most important takeaway: The team is complete and has started planning the software’s structure.

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When measuring the Agile SDLC process, iteration, often known as the construction or development phase, is the longest phase. The development team collaborates with UX designers to combine product criteria and user feedback before coding the design.
As the process’s backbone, iteration focuses on translating all of the previous phases’ design documentation into the actual software.

The main goal is to finish the project by the conclusion of the first spring semester. Developers begin work on the initial iteration of the product, which is far from the final version because it must undergo numerous modifications to assure product quality.

This phase is all about ensuring that the team and the stakeholders are always working together. It maintains quality by adhering to established standards and guidelines. Furthermore, testing is one of the most critical aspects of this phase. Testings are undertaken after each iteration to minimize probable faults and maintain quality.

The iteration stage progresses from the early sprints’ minimal viable product to a fully functional solution ready to be pushed into the fourth step: testing.


This stage focuses on quality assurance testing, documentation creation, and the iteration’s ultimate release into production.

Although testing was done after each sprint during the previous stage, the production phase focuses on teams ensuring that the program is bug-free and compatible with everything produced earlier. Testing can be divided into four categories:

  • Unit testing: The primary goal is to verify each software component by isolating it and determining if it functions correctly and meets the requirements.
  • Integration testing: Focuses on merging different system test pieces to ensure that they can function together perfectly.
  • Acceptance testing: Determines whether or not a product is approved. The goal is to determine whether the product meets end-user criteria and is ready for deployment.
  • System testing: Testing helps confirm that the entire software system works and meets the criteria.

The QA team performs several tests to ensure that the company’s objectives are satisfied, the code is clean, and the product is fully functional. The software is ready to go live after going through these numerous testing steps.

The most important point is that quality assurance testing occurs as the final stage before a product goes online.


The product can now go live after testing and positive results. The software is wholly deployed and available to customers at this point.

The teams enter the maintenance phase at the same time as the release. The software team provides ongoing support to guarantee that the system continues to function properly and promptly resolves any potential faults.

The primary purpose of the production phase is to keep systems usable, error-free, and productive once deployed.

The product is available to customers, and the software development teams continue to maintain the software.


After all of the preceding phases have been completed successfully, the product owner joins the entire team to review the project. The team assesses how far they’ve come toward meeting the standards, as well as the high points and barriers they encountered along the way.

The product owner also solicits feedback from stakeholders and incorporates it into the next iteration’s requirements.

Because teams now know more about their process, what worked, and what didn’t, the reviewing phase makes it easier to tackle future challenges.

After that, a new iteration of the Agile software development life cycle begins.

Key takeaway: Throughout the project, teams should thoroughly evaluate their performance and identify their strengths and limitations.

Benefits to Expect From The Agile Software Development Cycle in 2024

Businesses have been forced to expedite their digital transformation due to the requirement for remote labor and consumer aspirations for tailored, simplified online experiences. According to McKinsey Research, the COVID-19 recovery will be digital, with firms becoming “virtual, digital-centric, and agile.”

Having re-emerged as the preferred software development framework, here are some of the benefits to expect from agile SDPL in 2024.

Flexibility And Precision

The software development process is dubbed “agile” for a reason: it allows for an incremental and iterative approach that incorporates feedback from internal and external stakeholders to produce a product that fulfills the client’s objectives.

Businesses that use Agile methodology build and prioritize user stories to create their product backlog using explicit methods and mathematical equations (product requirements in user stories).

Agile allows teams to break down a project into manageable modules (called Sprints in the Scrum methodology) that each adds a new feature to the previous version. These Sprints are well-defined objectives updated daily and at the end of each release.

Adaptability Through Creativity

The process through which the new destroys the old is known as creative destruction. This can be seen at the product development level when feedback reinvents the product backlog, but it also occurs at the business level. Digital transformation entails bringing agility to a company’s operations and its value to customers.

It’s not just about adopting the Cloud or publishing an app; it’s also about embracing creative destruction, rethinking old business models, and experimenting to suit the demands of today’s market.

Agile software development encourages creativity, speed, and adaptability, allowing firms to respond quickly to changing circumstances. This type of creativity ensures that every aspect of a company (including products) constantly evolves.

Increase And Accelerated Success

Agile software development and Scrum assist offer frequent test and review increments, allowing the fluid adjustment of overall product and teamwork. Many organizations have benefited from Agile’s ability to adjust quickly to change, resulting in a more relevant product provided in a shorter time frame.

Agile software development initiatives are twice as likely to succeed as Waterfall software development projects, and Agile projects significantly improve time-to-market by 18-20%.

Agile can be used for more than simply software development; the same philosophy can be applied to digital transformation, incorporating elements of cross-functional cooperation, engagement, and lean procedures.

Minimum Risk

The product backlog, methods, and team are all thoroughly checked and balanced in agile software development to guarantee you’re producing the correct product in the most efficient way possible. These development approaches include explicitly articulating user stories to form the product backlog, resulting in iterative and incremental development to spread risk more evenly.
Agile software development is more than simply sprints; it’s a concept that encourages cross-functional collaboration, clear communication, and openness.

Shortened Project Life Cycle Prevent The 90% Problem

When one massive task is divided into smaller tasks, it becomes easier for the Agile teams to master them. Among the fundamental tenets of Scrum is actually getting the work done. Rather than creating an environment where teams are 90% done with several different tasks, Scrum focuses on ultimately finishing their set of backlog items within the sprint.

Recruit the Right Developers to Form an Elite Agile Team

Agile is distinguished by its iterative nature. This allows teams to take a more precise approach to their job, focused on getting practical software to users as quickly as feasible. There is no formal Agile structure that guarantees complete project success. One thing is certain: without the right development team, delivering successful software is impossible.

This is why you need a leading offshore software development company to spearhead your agile software development life cycle. At ISHIR, you find a globally diversified talent pool with expertise you can trust.

Get in touch today for your developer and outsourcing needs.

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