

Hybrid Delivery Model

If you have ever had any experience working with an offshore delivery model, you probably already know the pitfalls of such a model. With a 100% offshore delivery model, there are always barriers in multiple areas that hold back maximum productivity. This capability to have such a high roof on offshore productivity is what makes this option so appealing.


The struggle is reaching this roof and not being hindered by the shackles that a full offshore model innately offers. Employing a hybrid model is proven to provide huge bounds in efficiency in three of the following ways.


The work-life cultural gap


Inevitably, the way people work on different sides of the globe differs, and this difference needs to be handled with care and understanding. Handling this difference is not something many managers employing a 100% offshore delivery model want to or is prepared to deal with.


Failure to understand true intentions is the number one inhibitor to a full offshore model. The hybrid model removes this issue entirely by employing a relational expert to liaison with that has multiple years of experience working with other cultures. This onshore worker always employs two different mindsets and translate not languages, but thought patterns and processes.


Trust building to solve problems right


Because of geographical differences, face to face interactions are largely impossible for companies with an all offshore delivery model. This is not only important to create a strong relationship, but to allow expectations to be set right the first time. This allows problems to be solved the first time, without wasting hours repeating the same process.


Hybrid models are also more effective at getting in contact with a partner to relay the issue to faster than the alternative.


Legal peace of mind with the U.S. law


Obviously, the 100% offshore delivery model leaves a few points to be hesitant about, and the U.S. law is one of them. For any business owner, this isn’t a minor concern either, as laws vary infinitely from one side of the globe to the other.


A hybrid model negates this worry as U.S. liaisons that are fully in control of the information flow catch any issue before it effects either side of the delivery model. Not only is the liaison looking for these differences, they consistently educate the offshore team on the best practices in the U.S.


Instead of constantly having to worry about doing wrong work again, building trust, and legal issues, having an onshore liaison to build a hybrid delivery model for your business is the best of both worlds. Reaching that maximum level of productivity with a hybrid model is a very realistic goal as many companies today have already realized this and are taking advantage of it.


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