
Business owners are benefiting from low-code application platforms, a recent study revealed that more than 95 percent of IT professionals and business stakeholders acknowledge that their businesses can profit from low-code application platforms.

Within the last year, the low-code market has grown by 23 percent and it has raised a total of $11.3 billion in profits. Experts predict that these profits would cross $30 billion in the next five years.

There is no need to wait anymore, profit comes first and your business can benefit from these amazing low-code application platforms.

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The technological world has evolved to benefit everyone, for instance, business owners in need of an application don’t need to hire tech talents or developers to develop an app.

For years, the business world is troubled with productivity resulting from a shortage of skills, business owners need to search for creative ways to be productive. Business owners need to take a step further from the traditional knowledge of operating a business to develop profitable solutions for their business needs.

Having a dynamic business ecosystem promotes business success. Organizations are driven by an objective to grow and surpass competitive edge in the business world. The business that remains ahead keeps up with the latest technology innovations and development. Your business should too.

The integration of technology is a viable option to grow businesses which is why investing in low-code platforms is a respectable solution to develop and strengthen your organization.

What Is Low Code and Its Development

Low code is a dynamic visual approach to software development that promotes and optimizes the development process of delivery of applications with faster and tiniest hand-coding. Low-code applications are easy to use, they have simpler functionalities which have made the low-code application a preferred approach ahead of traditional tools of software development.

Low-code applications can be easily used by anyone, both professional developers and non-professional developers. The low-code application permits business owners with zero or minimal knowledge of software development to create software applications for their businesses. Low-code applications replace traditional software-linked extensive coding with straightforward logic-driven visual interfaces and drag-and-drop functionalities. Low-code applications have no limit, they can be used to create applications with a diverse degree of sophistication.

Low-code platforms are a collection of effective tools which facilitate the visual development of applications through graphical interface and modeling. Low-code integration solutions permits drag and drop connectors and logic constructs for the creation of integration flow. This approach requires simple expressions. Low-code permits the automation and abstraction of the application lifecycle through the entire step, with this approach, businesses can efficiently deploy a variety of solutions.

Low Code Versus No Code Development Platforms

No code is bound to be mentioned whenever low-code platforms are discussed. This debate is unavoidable as people want to understand which is better. No-code is a traditional approach to software development, this approach requires a vast and in-depth understanding of coding.

Some people believe that the no-code approach is an advanced alternative to low-code applications, while some conclude that no-code is a marketing tool for low-code applications. Finally, others assert that there are more similarities between the two than the differences and these similarities are believed to outdo the differences.

Low-code platforms have an upper hand over no-code platforms, they align with the industrious requirement of today’s business model. No one can generalize an answer to which is better between the low-code and no-code approaches. The best way to get an answer to this debate lies in the origin, history, and effectiveness of these development paradigms. These approaches vary in their management, deployment, and ability to build. Both low-code and no-code are built to strengthen dexterity, the major characteristic that set both apart is the scope of their capabilities.

A no-code platform is not effective in handling the implementation of novel conditions unique to business development or business evolvement. While low-code platforms are effective to trigger a predefined workflow. Low-code development platforms are capable of easy and quick customization of code blocks to accommodate novel conditions to predefined conditions. If you are still divided on what you are to choose we advise you to evaluate your long-term digitalization goals before you make a choice. To aid your choice, we have made an explanatory list of the benefits of low-code development platforms.

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Benefits of Low Code Platforms

Before coming up with the benefits of low-code development platforms we had to close an unending list of widely accepted benefits of low code that do not benefit business owners to the genuine business-linked benefits of low-code development platforms. So, we ended up picking the best five benefits that are profitable for business owners and their businesses.

1. Easy multi-experience

This is a very crucial benefit of low-code development platforms, low-code grants business owners the possibility of delivering striking omnichannel customer experiences with a lesser budget, you don’t need a huge expensive development team before your business can experience easy multi-experience. Aside from this, low-code omnichannel customer experience is capable of rivaling heftier competitions.
Low-code offers easy chatbots, automated refactoring, pre-built UI patterns, and awesome screen templates. These features ensure that customers’ engagement with your business is regular, it also provides the building blocks of a spontaneous user interface and productive user experience.
Low code eliminates the complexity aligned with an optimal experience and it also accelerates the process of delivering an optimal experience.

2. Simplicity

Low-code is less error-prone and laborious. Low-code is an innovation for all, developers do not need to write boilerplate code or rewrite boilerplate code. The simplicity of low-code application platforms empowers tech enthusiasts, junior developers, and business owners with enough skill to maximize their resources to enhance their businesses with technological innovations and solutions their businesses require to sit above their competition.

3. Boost productivity

Low-code development platforms possess prebuilt elements which help developers to save time they might have spent with other application development processes.

Boost Productivity with low code application platforms - ISHIR

Low-code applications help business teams and technical teams boost their productivity in the following ways:

Research and planning

Low code makes research more accessible and clearer to other team members. The team will not have to deal with many technicalities and necessary involvement. Usually, the Research and Development (R&D) Engineers of a company will also fully partake in the research to identify problems and build specific products for the target audience. However, low code allows other team members to work on research, and more team members will be able to understand the product development process.

Designing and content creation phase

Usually, the design phase takes a more extended period and a necessary collaboration with the developers. You may have designers who may not understand the developer’s point of view and vice versa. Low code avoids this issue and generally reduces the time spent on this, boosting the overall productivity of the team.

Development, Testing, and Maintenance

Low code affords companies to quickly develop their products efficiently and cost-effectively. Business owners do not need to spend a fortune on product development and testing. They also do not need to spend extra time on coding and maintenance; instead, they can invest their time in other projects.

4. Decreased costs

Another benefit of low-code development platforms is that costs decrease. Business owners do not need to hire extra developers to fulfill their desired outcomes. Note that the decreased costs don’t mean that the low-code platform is less productive, low-code development platforms are effective and productive for everyone in the business world.

5. Enhanced problem-solving capabilities

Low-code development platforms place more problem-solving capabilities into the care of everyone in an organization. With a low-code approach, both IT professionals and non-IT professionals are capable of finding a solution to a problem. Workers can easily take up the challenge to create a business app that facilitates progress.

Uses of Low Code Application Platform’s

Low-code application platforms are primarily sought after because of their software development capabilities, however, low-code platforms are capable of doing more than basic software development.
Business owners leverage low-code application platforms because of their ability to create a beneficial business ecosystem.
Key uses of low-code platforms for promoting business procedures include:

Optimization apps

Low-code application platforms enhance the efficiency of business operations, these platforms are reliable for business owners who want to maximize their business outcomes. Low-code applications are capable of reducing the risk of error through automation, these applications are effective in reducing costs.

Formulating build process

Low-code application platforms drive automation by performing tasks of diverse complexities by formulating and building processes and workflows.

AI-based solutions

Low-code application platforms are effective tools for building applications based on AI algorithms and machine learning. Low-code provides AI-based solutions which stimulate and facilitate faster data processing for business operations.

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Customer engagement

Businesses are expected to constantly engage with their customers to drive acceptability and profits.

Business owners can employ low-code applications to address diverse business activities such as customer engagement. Customer engagement apps are adequate to address customer needs and drive customer engagement with a personalized user experience.

How To Choose A Low Code Integration Platform

Before choosing a low-code integration platform, you must consider three major factors. These factors help you determine which low-code platform is best for your business.

Consider the pricing models

There are numerous platforms with different prices, so you must find the total maintenance and production cost before selecting a low-code platform.

Examine integration requirements

No organization wants to create a low-code app that ends up needing ongoing maintenance and complex integration. Some organizations cannot afford to develop low-code applications in silos. So you need to integrate your low-code app with cloud and data center, third-party data sources, APIs, and enterprise systems. In developing an IoT data pipeline or machine learning model, you might need to integrate credible low-code platforms.

Review hosting, DevOps, and governance alternatives

Most low-code platforms come with hosting options, yet their options differ. Some low-code platforms offer cloud hosting options similar to SaaS, while others offer self-hosting options that can be deployed in a personal data center. Some options also offer the two options. Low-code development platforms primarily offer the same options, yet they are not equal, so you need to review their options before making your choice.

List of Best Low Code Integration Platforms in 2022

Dozens of software vendors offers low-code development tools to the general public. You might be thinking of enhancing your business with low-code development. We have come up with a list of low-code platform vendors that boast high ratings from software development experts. They are all trusted and can be used to enhance your business outcomes.

1. Appian


– Appian is designed for all types of businesses. This low-code platform is equipped with integration options with DevOps tools and native development tools.

– It permits users to build business process management(BPM) applications.

– BPM applications are profitable to business organizations and business optimization processes.

2. OutSystems


– This omnichannel low-code platform. This implies that OutSystems aids enterprises in building different applications across a wide range of mediums.

– The capacity development of OutSystems is faster, security is strong and the real-time performance of dashboards is impressive.

3. Microsoft Power Apps


– Microsoft Power Apps eliminate complexity, it is a fast low-code platform, and it is suitable for building custom business applications.

– Microsoft Power Apps possess over 200 connectors that integrate different systems and unique data.

– This low-code platform includes a pre-built artificial intelligence component that promotes its functionality.

4. Kissflow


– Kissflow comes with a rule-based model that eliminates the necessity for custom coding.

– Kissflow is focused on workflow and process management. The rule-based model can help you include additional conditions to customize your workflow.

Wrapping Up

We believe that you have understood what low-code is all about and how it can enhance your web development life-cycle. The uses of low code as we have seen are for various companies across various industries from start-ups to INC 500 companies. More importantly, we now understand how to choose the best low-code platforms and how they suit your need.

We believe that this article would be adequate to help you find the right low-code platform for your business. You must also endeavor to choose the best developers with the right understanding of these low-code platforms. At ISHIR, you have access to the top 5% high-quality remote talent from all over the world. Finally, when choosing low code, know that your company’s needs come first, and your business needs to tally with the function and features of the low-code platform.



  1. James Taylor says:

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