
NPower Texas and ISHIR have formed an alliance to support non-profits by leveraging technology to more efficiently serve their missions. NPower Texas provides non-profit organizations with technology solutions such as assessment and planning, software selection and implementation, training, and web development services, all with the goal of ensuring organizational stability, improving effectiveness, and increasing their community impact. ISHIR has the expertise that your company needs to properly align IT and business objectives to create a long term strategy that fits the future goals of your business.

ISHIR helps its clients achieve greater level of organization agility that consolidates and/or expands your computing capacity, while increasing overall efficiency and reducing IT costs.  Through this relationship, NPower will be able to further its mission to help non-profits maximize their dollars spent on technology related consulting and service fees and ISHIR will provide the technology consulting services to NPower members at not-for-profit billing rates which will help non-profits leave more of their donations available to serve their missions.

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