
Depending on your unique business requirements, making a decision of whether you should host SharePoint on-premise or in the Clouds can be tough. We found the Microsoft SharePoint® Online Standard Service Description document, detailed and helpful.   Jump to Page 23 Appendix B for a feature comparison between Office SharePoint Server and SharePoint Online Standard and SharePoint Online Dedicated.  Below is summary of Appendix B from the August 19, 2009 version of the document.

This helps break out of features by:

  • Collaboration Feature Comparison
  • Portal Feature Comparison
  • Content Management Feature Comparison
  • Search Feature Comparison
  • BI Feature Comparison
  • Business Process and Forms Feature Comparison

Interested in trying out SharePoint Online?  Click here to sign up for a 30 day risk free trial (no credit card required/no obligation to buy the service)

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