
The world of application services has literally revolutionized the status of business performance of all businesses. With the growing complexities in developing a new product customers have moved their focus from software product development to application development and management services. It is true that business application development is one field that involves a lot of brainstorming and thorough professional knowledge, while to maintain business applications to enable enterprises to solve complex, mission critical business problems, you need advanced software product maintenance.

An overview on Software product development and Maintenance
Along with Software product development, the importance of software testing, software quality assurance and software product maintenance is equally important. Software Testing is something which plays a vital role in any software development as it lets you know where your software development is heading and know its performance. The usability of a software product is typically dependent on the extent of quality testing performed on it. In addition software product maintenance is also very important to get higher performance. Software testing service is the process used to spot the accuracy, comprehensiveness, security, and eminence of developed computer software product development. The main aim of any testing is to expose all the quality-related information about the developed software product. Only the stable, error free and reliable software systems and applications are accepted.


Software product development alone is not primary but we need to keep software updated and maintained with effective software product maintenance. There is no place for the unstable and buggy software systems. Software Product Maintenance and Support Services help protect against unforeseen issues and get you back online when something does go wrong, allowing you to focus on managing your business. Moreover Software maintenance enables you to achieve the full value from your software solution.

Software Product Maintenance as a service:
It creates, designs, implements, integrates customized changes to software that solve one or more problems and is not included with the price of the software. Software maintenance as a service includes in depth methodology and communication infrastructure to provide both onsite and offsite product maintenance services. In addition it provides a cost-effective way to receive product updates and bug fixes, get technical support, add new products to your license, and manage licenses online.

An overview of the above situation clearly mentions the need for outsourcing to Outsourced product maintenance companies that provide comprehensive solutions.

Software product maintenance helps
• Curative software product maintenance for solving the corrective, minor issues and errors
• Protective software product maintenance stands for planning and implementing the action to avoid future problems based upon past incidents anticipation
• Perfective software maintenance for carrying out functional modifications
• Correct errors
• Improve the design and Make enhancements
• Interface with other systems
• Migrate legacy systems
• Maintaining control over the system’s day-to-day functions
• Maintaining control over system modification
• Perfecting existing acceptable functions
• Prevent system performance from degrading to unacceptable levels

Finally you should think of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) requirements for customizing your maintenance process. Many outsourced product development companies offer customized application maintenance and support methodology.

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