
The shift from traditional software models to the Internet has steadily gained momentum, particularly in the last decade. Today, almost every task can be performed on internet, thereby, eliminating the need of handling and managing complicated hardware and software. This emerged role of Internet is what cloud computing is all about.

To define, cloud computing is, basically, the use of the Internet for the tasks one performs on a computer. More and more applications that were once the province of desktop computers are being converted into web applications these days. For instance, office suites like Google Docs are gradually becoming more functional and can easily eliminate the need of having Microsoft Office in the near future.

Cloud computing has various essential features, which include,

  • Easy Access: Cloud computing allows the user to access computing capabilities as and when they are needed and without any interaction from the cloud-service provider.
  • Quick Scalability: Upgrades and changes to the services are done instantaneously and easily enabling the cloud computing service to be resilient.
  • Cost: The costing of cloud computing depends on its usage by the user. The user is billed based on the amount of resources they use. This helps the user to track their usage and ultimately help to reduce cost.

Seeing its development, cloud computing is acclaimed as one of the big business innovation. It is considered a very important development in the business world. The various reasons include:

  • Time: With cloud computing you simply need access to a computer, which has Internet connection to view the information you need. This saves a lot of time as compared to the time needed to get new programs to operate at functional levels.
  • Productivity: These days many companies have started using social networking sites, such as, Facebook and Twitter to increase their productivity levels. Also, blogs are used to communicate with customers about improvements that need to be made within companies.
  • Security: With cloud computing you get more security in terms of storing your data safely. Whether it is a hurricane or an earthquake you can get back to work quickly as long as you have an Internet connection.

To conclude, cloud computing is changing the face of the entire computing industry with passing of every single day and many companies have already started embracing the cloud computing revolution.



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