
In the highly competitive smartphone world, Google Android and Apple iOS have succeeded in creating a whirlpool. But there ought to be one player leading the domain and according to the latest report by Kantar Worldpanel, Google is leading with a larger market share.


Although iPhone continues to be the talk of the town, iOS has witnessed a 3.5% decline in market share in U.S as compared to 2012. Contrast to this, Android has seen a significant 6% rise in the market share as compared to last year. It presently owns 51.2% U.S market share as compared to 45.4% in the quarter a year ago.


Other than these, BlackBerry and Windows Phone too have seen significant changes from the last year. While it looks like Windows Phone has finally started to taking off with 52% growth in the starting of this year, BlackBerry is falling of a sales cliff, with an 81% drop in sales.


Considering the statistics, what is interesting to note here is the fact that Windows Phone is presently the fastest-growing mobile phone platform. With a mere 4.1% market share, Microsoft has still a long way to go, and growth rates might decline as it piles up share.

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