
Google announced Monday three new features for their Cloud Storage platform. The additions include Object Lifecycle Management, Regional Buckets, and gsutil – automatic parallel composite uploads. These new inclusions are supposed to make it easier to manage, access, and upload data. Fortunately for users, these improvements can be utilized without altering their application codes.

Object Lifecycle Management
—This tool allows you to create a set of criteria that permits auto-deletion for your Cloud Storage data. For example, you can create a parameter that automatically deletes content older than one year. You can also pair Object Lifecycle Management with Object Versioning to limit the number of older versions of an application that are saved.  When used correctly this can help keep data usage down and effectively help you control your cloud storage costs.

Regional Buckets
—This feature allows you to co-locate your Durable Reduced availability data in the same region as your Google Engine instances. Cloud storage buckets and Compute Engine instances in the same carry the same network fabric, so this tool can reduce latency and increase bandwidth to virtual machines.

Gsutil-Automatic Parallel Composite Uploads
—This tool automatically uploads large objects in parallel allowing for higher throughput. The support is built using Composite Objects and works out-of-the-box by using the same ‘gsutil cp’ designation as before.

Whether you are managing temporary objects or running jobs over Cloud Storage data, Google promises that there is something in these updates for you. 

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