
Android dominated the smartphone operating system market during the second quarter. According to the research firm Strategy Analytics, Android held 80% of the worldwide smartphone market—a record high for the platform. Second was Apple iOS with 13.6 of the market share, its lowest level since 2010. Windows Phone rounded out the top 3 with 3.9 percent share.


Though Android has captured one title, Apple iOS still leads Android in terms of overall phone utilization. Forrester released a report that revealed iOS users outscore Android users on every measure in terms phone usage: 91% to 80% on weekly Internet browsing 90% to 83% on messaging and 89% to 76% on app usage.



While Android has increasing grown in popularity, it has yet obtained a consumer base that fully utilizes all of the smartphone functions. Though more people may possess the Android, mobile app developers could be more inclined to choose Apple due to the high utilization of their consumers. Whatever the case, in order for Android to rein supreme over smartphones, it will need to figure out how to get more users to take full advantage of its smartphone services.



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