
The U.S. international Trade Commission (ITC) announced that it would delay the decision on whether tablets or mobile phones created by Samsung infringe on Apple patents. The decision was expected yesterday, but has been delayed until August 9. The ruling will now come after a decision from President Obama to uphold or overturn the ITC verdict to ban older generation Apple products in the U.S.


In June the ITC ruled that the older iPad and iPhone models using AT&T’s network infringed on a Samsung patent that permits the ability of devices to transmit multiple services simultaneously and correctly through 3G wireless technology.If this decision holds the AT&T versions of the iPhone 3G, 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad and iPad 2 will no longer be sold in the U.S starting August 4. President Obama has the option to veto the ITC’s decision, but has yet to do so.


All of these legal engagements come a year after Apple won a $1.05 billion verdict in a patent case against Samsung. Though some aspects of that ruling have since been struck down, the two companies have been embroiled in patent fights ever since. The fights continue as the two companies are expected to appear in court once again next year.

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