
The field of SEO is multifaceted where you are in a constant worry about algorithm updates, changes in search traffic, and developing unique and relevant content. In addition to this, there is the client who always keeps you on your toes to show results of mounting traffic on the website.

Yes, SEO is like an investment; but, making clients understand that they are investing in your services requires a little more than just performing SEO services. Once a client hires your SEO services to improve search rankings, they also expect a rise in web traffic, and sometimes it gets difficult to make them realize that they need to be patient. Due to the search share click distribution, the client cannot really expect major increases in traffic instantly. Remember, clients hire an SEO firm as they do not possess expertise in this domain. So it’s important that you educate them about the benefits as well as the slow process of organic SEO.


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This post aims at helping you in convincing your clients that it’s not all dark and that their websites will witness increased traffic in due course. Given below are the top 4 things that you can do, and build the client relationship into an ongoing partnership that is productive as well as successful.

Educate Your Client and Show that SEO Takes Time to Produce Results

Since SEO activities take time to yield results, you can start by educating your clients with SEO related articles that explain the process of running a successful campaign and the time taken for rankings and traffic to improve. You can show them that even authorities, such as Search Engine Watch, Moz, Google, etc., all confirmed that SEO takes time and rankings don’t happen overnight. Also, you can provide your clients with all the details and the concrete data of their competitors’ websites to show the time taken for them to witness increased traffic after carrying out SEO activities. This will provide them with a basic overview of how SEO efforts, especially White Hat techniques, take time to show results.


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Share Ranking Reports and Keyword Improvements with the Client


As the next step, you should share the ranking reports and the keyword strategy that has led to the improvement in clients’ rankings and has helped them to go from 100th to 70th position. Though this may not result in high traffic but it will show improvements, will show your efforts being moved in the right direction, and will also show that clients are making progress.

Make Regular Updates to the Client and Show That You are Proactive in Approach

Every once in a while, clients may want some updates on what you have been doing and how the SEO is going as they are not seeing a rise in traffic or conversions. So it’s important that you document all your SEO work by creating events in Google Analytics or any other SEO tool that you may be using for your clients. You can let your clients access that data so that they know what efforts you are pouring in to increase traffic to their site. Also, they would get to understand that how difficult it is to increase traffic in today’s high-competition markets.

Share Summary Reports with the Client and Show that you Care



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Sometimes, getting in touch with clients through email or phone is all they need to let them know that you are in control of the campaign, and that you care for them. You can share your summary reports on a weekly or bimonthly basis depending on your arrangement with clients. If you witness a sudden upsurge in traffic or any other significant accomplishment then you can send a report even without prior intimation so as to keep your clients informed and happy. This is relatively the most important thing you can do to maintain your clients’ trust on you and your services.

With that said, the aforementioned ways will keep your clients informed about your SEO efforts, and will let them know that you are doing your best to achieve top ranking. But don’t forget the client still needs to trust that your SEO activities will yield results. So make your strategies in a way that will convince them that though it takes time for organic results to bear fruits, the SEO campaign will increase traffic gradually.


  1. Andrew says:

    Thank you sharing the blog. I have bookmarked it

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