
Why Ex-Google Employees Not Reveal the Ranking Secrets in Google

Recently, I noticed a thread at Black Hat World asking why have we tend to not seen a case wherever a former Google employee who  worked in search quality sell their information or publish the key sauce on what it might go for rank well quickly and obtain made quick. Or why haven’t these former Googlers done it for themselves, exploit their information to rank well in Google and build a fast buck?


I decided to chase some former Googlers worked within the search quality team at Google however currently not working in Google. What they told me was a bit more fascinating. This is often all captured in a Google+ thread.


Pedro Dias, somebody at the upper levels of the Search Quality Analyst team, worked in Google for regarding 5 years and then left closer to his home, I believe. He gave many reasons why he has in person not given up the key sauce.


  • Because SQ Googlers hate spam and something associated with cheating or manipulation… we’ve got seen the darkest of the net… Really;
  • Because this could make a breach of trust between all my current and ex-colleagues;
  • Because we tend to like better to have it for long term future, than to figure for the “get made quick”;
  • Because we do not see SEO as “gaming the system”… Despite what several SEOs say? We’ve got our own vision, we tend to like better to assume like Search Engineers and facilitate businesses perceive Search visibility instead of marketing magic formulas and torching them.
  • Because we signed an NDA, though it does not count the maximum amount because the points higher than.
  • And generally as a result of we tend to prefer to recognize stuff that others do not and keep it like that.


I grilled him to a small degree additional, as a result of i was actually surprise if they are doing recognize the key sauce. I asked Pedro, “does one have deep dark secrets that you simply will use to use the algo and rank #1 for [Viagra] or one thing that competitive.” He responded:


Again, i might like to not come in such details mentioning that i do know X, Y or Z… I feel lucky to possess been a part of a get cluster and touched some vital and exclusive areas that is all I will say…’


I guess once a Googler, invariably a Googler. Kaspar Szymanski, worked as Search Quality deviser in Google for seven years, chimed in conjointly. He told me: ‘just like my purchasers price experience, they equally price integrity.’


Again, I still surprise, if Google has something that one in every of these former Googlers will truely exploit and obtain made quickly with. Yea, i’m positive there square measure some things that may add the short term and Googlers and non-Googlers will figure those out. However future – you continue to have to be compelled to recognize the basics.


It simply happens that each one of those Googlers quoted here act in somewhat of AN SEO and search authority role currently.


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