

Who hasn’t felt that familiar terror when IT mentions a new “upgrade” or “deployment?”


Typical User Response – “I understand how to work my computer, I know how to use it to get my job done, why fix what isn’t broken?”


Typical CEO Response- “We JUST bought the latest version of Office/windows/CRM… well, maybe it’s been a few years, but what’s a few years?”


Typical IT response “It’s something shiny and new!! Who doesn’t like shiny and new? And fast?”


And then the games begin. The skirmishes over budget. The pushbacks over deadlines. The general refusal to ADOPT. And your company with continue to have these issues for as long as you are in business unless you align yourself with a solutions provider that understands the concept of sustainable adoption.


Ishir is just that provider.


Sustainable Adoption = 3 Core Components

  1. Sustainable Adoption elicits user feedback from ALL user groups. Not just the top brass. We gain insights from the irreplaceable front line players, such as your receptionists, your sales people, your analysts, your personal assistants, all the core players whose contributions sustain the momentum of your successful business.
  2. Sustainable Adoption creates a truly customized, usable solution. The solution Ishir creates for your team will not be based on some software giant’s quotas or current “push.” We take the gathered data from the feedback received to address your company’s unique pain points and goals.
  3. Sustainable Adoption means continued support. We don’t just roll out and run.  Our solution packages offer the option of training and ongoing system administration so users don’t struggle unnecessarily.  Who better to provide support to your valued team than our core group of professionals who know your new system intimately and are committed to its success?  Consider Ishir for your company’s growing needs. We’d love to introduce ourselves to you and prove what a great fit sustainable adoption is for your company’s needs!

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