
With over 250 million user base, Facebook is the most popular website on internet after Google. Users from different walks of life are present on Facebook and luring them to promote a product/service sounds like a beneficial deal. This is the reason that Facebook advertising is attracting more eyes of marketers and advertisers along with Google search and display ads.


Having a user base with proper segmentation on the basis of interest, age, gender, geographical location etc. provide a great tool for businesses to promote their product/service to the most targeted audience in order to improve the chances of lead generation/web transactions/conversions. Some benefits of advertising on Facebook are as follows:-


Think Local: With Facebook advertising, you can promote your offerings to a targeted geographical location. This improves the brand visibility in that particular location and eventually helps in business brand awareness.


Target most qualified audience: With Facebook advertising, you can target your ads to the most qualified prospects in terms of their location, gender, age, interests etc. This allows you to reach a class of audience which would be highly interested in your offerings and so be ready to convert in very less time.


Multiple ad views: Most of us visit our Facebook account for a number of times in a day and so our prospects would do. Display ads on the location where targeted audience visit frequently improves the chances of getting our ads noticed. This would allow prospect to retain the brand name longer than any other ad source and eventually, assists in higher conversion rate.


Inexpensive ads: Facebook ads can be inexpensive in terms of investment made to promote about your offerings due to the targeted-nature of its advertising model. So every penny is spent on the most qualified prospect and eventually, the overall cost of the campaign comes to be lower than other advertising channels.


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