
People have been telling stories for as long as humans have had language. But it’s been quite a while since storytelling changed so fundamentally as it has with the advent, and increasing popularity, of Virtual Reality or VR. VR storytelling is one where the storyteller provides a setting and a loose plot, and the listener becomes the character and largely directs how the story plays out.


Experiencing a Virtual Space


“The core of VR storytelling is presence. Basically, the incredible feeling of immersion of VR is what makes it so unique. It’s also what makes VR storytelling so interesting,” explains Harlan Lower, writer at Rather than reading, or watching a character navigate a space, you do it yourself. Say goodbye to viewing just as a neutral observer; you’re right in this thing and it’s up to you to make some big decisions. The user feels a much heavier sense of responsibility. Because of this, the best VR story is one that has a real sense of direction, i.e. you’re on a quest, you’re rescuing someone, you’re searching for the lost something or other, you get the picture. Your story should provide the player things to find, stumble upon, and get ambushed by.




In VR storytelling, you tell your story with the environment you create. The setting your user is going to traverse is as important to the story as the plot. So, when you’re writing, be constantly thinking of how the environment is going to look and feel. How the character interacts with it, and how it interacts with the character. These environments are not just static settings, they’re not painted sets that just look nice. Your background needs to be dynamic and create a mood for what’s happening.




VR storytelling is different and more difficult than traditional storytelling. Why? Because your player chooses what to look at, so things aren’t as linear as a normal story. They can turn their head, or even walk away from something you’re trying to show them. So, while you do need a strong plot, something the user is after, you almost must realize that a lot of the time what’s driving your character is the things they discover as they explore the environment that you’ve created for them. Perhaps, for example, your overall plot is saving the princess from the castle, but what’s motivating and intriguing your player, most of the time, are the smaller bits and pieces; things they come across that demand their attention, things they look at and try to solve.


Things Have Changed


VR has revolutionized storytelling. Okay that’s a pretty bold statement, but VR really is a radically different way of telling, and experiencing, a story. Instead of one party telling a story to a second party that listens, we have entered a builder-participator storytelling paradigm. There’s a basic plot framework and environment, but the “listener” now modifies the story by participating in it. They can direct a lot on what’s happening in the story. The storyteller now invites, and at most, guides, the listener, who is also the character.


Improving Your Writing Skills


One thing that VR storytelling hasn’t changed is the need for decent writing, editing, and proofreading skills. Check out these resources to make sure you’ve got a handle on the basics.


Grammar is the bane of so many writers’ existence. These grammar resources can make writing grammatically correct sentences much easier.

Proofreading is one of those tedious jobs that no-one likes to do, but it’s got to be done if you want to be taken seriously. These online proofreading tools, suggested by BigAssignments review, can help.

These are writing guides you will find make your process go a lot smoother. A good writing guide organizes your steps and makes knocking each one down much easier.

Editing requires a keen eye for detail, and even then, it’s easy to miss something. These editing tools, recommended by SimpleGrad, will make sure you don’t miss a single typo.

You’ll find posts about lots of different topics on these educational blogs.




VR has changed the way people tell and experience stories. One of the great things about VR is that it leaves so much up to the player. You can be as active or as passive as you like. In the same game, one person might immediately charge out on their mission, smash up the bad guys, and wreak all kinds of havoc, while another just wanders around, taking in the world and exploring. Even though storytelling in VR can be a bit more complicated than storytelling in a movie or a book, it’s different – and in a good way. Your role as a storyteller would be to hook the viewer with different elements, grab their attention and let them build a story based upon that. To do this, you’ll have to build a basic plot, mood and theme of the world with plenty of small tasks and elements which improve the story and make it more appealing to the viewer.



Grace Carter is a writer and managing editor at PaperFellows and Academized services. She curates writing flow and reviews contributions


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