
Given the growing complexity of business requirements and customer needs, it is vital to have the right online presence for your business. This is the reason why Enterprises have realized the importance of hiring the best remote Frontend developers who are talented, creative, experienced and skilled. Each of your users interacts with an interface that the Frontend developers develop. You need Frontend developers to design the perfect user interface for mobile, desktop, tablets or smartphones. They must be able to work on aesthetically enriched designs that match your brand story.

Offshore remote Frontend developers India

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Since it’s so important to find the right Frontend developers for your project need, I have collated a list of 5 tips to help you find the perfect Offshore Frontend developer. You can preview the work that the Frontend developer has done previously, but it’s also a good idea to evaluate the technical prowess of these developers. You may want to consider the following tips to judge if you’re making the right decision of hiring a offshore Frontend developer or a team of Frontend developers.

1. Ask the offshore Frontend developers about the value that they can add for a user-friendly interface

It’s imperative that the Front-end developers are well-versed with AngularJS or React, Ember or Backbone so that they can delve deeper into client’s requirements. They must also be proficient in Web 2.0 concepts to understand overlays, fly-outs, drop-downs and carousels.

2. Inquire how well the remote Frontend developer knows about accessibility, usability, and performance (the key responsibilities of an offshore Frontend developer)

With accessibility, the Frontend developer ensures that the website appears perfectly on all devices and browsers. There are several versions of browsers and mobile devices available and being used by your customers. So, it’s really important that the remote Frontend developer understands that the website or app is accessible on all devices.

The usability aspect ensures that the website is usable on all devices and browsers. User interface must work well and that is a significant responsibility of the Frontend programmer.

Frontend developers must ensure that the website loads quickly and performs well.

3. Interrogate if the Frontend developer is familiar with Bootstrap Framework

Bootstrap enables developers to create responsive websites quickly. It offers several open-source tools to create web applications and websites. They should’ve worked on projects requiring converting normal CSS to Bootstrap Framework, Bootstrap migration services and modifying existing Bootstrap templates into being more responsive. You can ask the Frontend developers about Bootstrap, the HTML, CSS and JavaScript Framework.

4. Ensure that they are aware of how well CSS works

Cascading Style Sheets or CSS for short is used for ‘style’. HTML helps to structure a web document and CC, on the other hand, specifies the style of the document like the colors, page layout, font, etc. if I were to give you an analogy, HTML is the architecture of the house and CSS are the interiors like the paint, window styles, landscaping, etc.

The Frontend developers must be proficient with CSS styles.

5. The Frontend developers must be aware of Front-end testing

There are several Frontend testing tools available in the market. The Frontend developers must be aware of the tools and be able to recommend the most suitable tools for your business needs. Websites are getting more complex, and the Frontend developers must ensure that the websites must integrate with several other services and even the audience is more diverse. It is important that the Frontend developers are aware that small CSS changes can lead to major errors, some JavaScript changes can lead to some unexpected changes, integration of third-party services may backfire and inclusion of some large images or analytics scripts can lead to issues with the performance.

The Frontend developers must be proficient with frontend testing.

I hope the tips that I’ve covered in this blog can help you find the top front-end developers for your business requirements. If you’re still searching for the right frontend developers, you can speak to us and we will get our best Frontend developers to work on your user interface.


  1. Desilva says:

    Many many thanks for sharing such superclass tips about hire remote frontend developers for your business requirements. Wonderful explanation and I really appreciate your tips. keep posting such kind of information on your page.

  2. Thank you so much for providing informative and helpful tips while hiring a developer for business requirements. Keep posting.

  3. Ryan says:

    Great post, Katie! Very valuable explanation. Keep going!

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