
There is a pressing need for businesses to target new customers and still retain their existing customers, deploying mobile solutions has brought a breakthrough to this pressing need but the question is this, with the speed of technology and Artificial intelligence, how can businesses improve what they already have for easier accessibility of their customers with little or no limitations.

Progressive Web Apps(PWA)

For a business to appeal to its customers, it must have a responsive website and build a functional mobile app, but now there is another solution that comes in-between these two options and it is called Progressive Web Apps (PWA). Mobile websites are very responsive and informative but a bit unpleasant in terms of user experience, Native apps, on the other hand, provides better user experience and most times it is not as informative as a website and they are also limited to certain devices or platforms. With PWA, there is a fusion of the information in the mobile site and the functionality of the native app all in one option while mitigating their various disadvantages.

Therefore, ways Progressive Web Apps Development can replace Native apps in the times to come includes but are not limited to,

1. PWAs Still Deliver A Lot Of Value: PWAs provide a lot of functions ranging from push notifications, app-based loyalty programs, location-based services and messages, even interactive games and other media. With all these functions, Progressive web apps will definitely strike out all the cons of mobile apps and create more durability of the mobile device.

2. Cheaper To Make, Easier To Maintain: Because the resources involved in making a Progressive Web App is less than that of a native app, it is significantly less expensive to make meaning that startup businesses can easily develop their own PWA that will function better than the native mobile app. In terms of maintenance, users don’t need to repeatedly download large chunks of files in the bid to update the old version, updates are immediately experienced once the developer updates them through the web experience by the user.

3. Faster To Develop: Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are faster to develop, this makes them very useful especially for one-off campaigns, new product releases or any other occasion where you need to hit your target audience with an app based medium of catering for their needs, this also means that developers will have a higher turnover of profit since the time it would’ve taken to make one native app can possibly make three PWAs.

4. Faster Load Times: Just like in automobiles and smartphones, what everyone is developing is speed and accuracy, Progressive Web Apps can load faster than native apps, and even countries that use only 2G networks can experience full functionality of PWAs as good as people using 4G.

5. Minimal Storage Required: Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) do not require downloads, the entire functionality of the PWA can be accessed through the web browser of the phone. This means that the smartphone will not experience any lag in performance due to Native application overload.

6. Cross-Platform functionality: Progressive Web Apps can work across different platforms, there is no need to develop one version for iOS and another for Android as seen on native apps. So this is a double win situation for developers and clients.

7. Shareable: Because they can work across platforms, that means that are shareable, the ability to share files and information is where the technology is heading to. Seamless sharing of information. That is why so many social media platforms are adopting and improving the PWA experience for their users.

8. Nuisance: Do you agree with me when I say that people find it difficult to download native apps these days? During the days of Nokia SymbianOS people felt good with populating their app screen with many apps, but the trend is changing, people prefer to browse the information and go offline, sometimes due to restriction in space, the difficulty of going through the app screen severally without finding the app you are looking for or frequent crashing od relevant apps, people prefer using mobile webpages.

9. Progressive Web Apps Are The Future: Knowing that people are not keen about downloading native apps, Google, Apple, and Microsoft, the giants in native app distribution have tilted towards PWA. People have gotten enough of native apps. Social media apps noticed a longer online session with its users through their PWA when compared to their native apps.

10. Search Algorithms Will Favor Mobile: In 2016, Google announced that it was going to shift its search engine indexing Algorithms to Mobile-first indexing before desktop website indexing, this means that the experience will favor companies with PWAs in the near future.


So many brands and companies are shifting to PWA and there is no doubt about the reason for this transition. Both mobile web pages and native apps have a lot of advantages but as it stands now, the disadvantages cannot be easily neglected considering our present practices, PWA is still new and to that effect, a lot of improvement will meet its usability in little or no time.

Engage with the ISHIR for faster and cutting-edge Progressive Web App Development Services. Feel free to talk to us in detail.


  1. shital more says:

    Thanks for sharing this informative blog with us, it’s very useful and helpful information.

  2. Janki says:

    Thanks for sharing information.

  3. harry says:

    Thanks for sharing this information

  4. Hema says:

    Thanks for sharing this information.very helpful

  5. Kamal says:

    Really an interesting blog I have gone through. There are excellent details you posted here on PWA.

  6. Kulmohan Singh says:

    It’s really indeed to check it. You have shared the bunch of good lists where one should easily learn the way of Progressive Web App

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