
It is difficult to imagine life without cloud technology. Even amid a global scourge, which is the coronavirus pandemic, there is a crucial need for cloud technology. Perhaps, there has been no other time that the world needed cloud-based IT resources more than it does right now.

Cloud technology has continued to enhance connectivity between businesses and people on a large scale. With the current state of affairs that is the coronavirus pandemic, a lot has been crippled. Lockdowns and work from home policies have made collaboration in business harder for many companies. However, this has been seen by most seasoned experts as a necessary evil, which has revealed the full benefits of cloud computing. Companies and businesses can now thrive and keep their engines running, even amid the COVID-19’s restrictions. For instance, remote workforces are now a reality, which keeps services and operations running.

Cloud Migration Services Dallas

Without cloud technology, many businesses and companies would be shutting down right now. The availability of IT resources that run most companies and businesses today is directly attributed to cloud services. The cloud has literally saved the day and rescued many businesses from their untimely deaths. Most, if not all companies, which move to cloud, do so for the following reasons:

To access real-time business sales information

Without the cloud, it would otherwise be difficult to access sales information remotely. Currently, company executives can check out business activity from anywhere in the world. This is even more integral right now since most countries face lockdowns limiting movement and business activities.

Seamless sharing of documents

The provision of cloud services has made sharing and co-editing documents as a team possible remotely. What’s more is that the entire process is secured, thus, preventing any breaches. Without the cloud, remote collaboration would not only be a challenge but also unsafe for the participants.

Enables the safe and secure functioning of the financial sector

Cloud technology goes further into the financial sector to support trading and analytical applications. These processes cannot operate seamlessly and in real-time without proper cloud computing.

Rapid data access

Rapid data is responsible for different things such as manufacturing, analytics and research. Rapid data equally powers artificial intelligence and big data. The cloud is a giant supercomputer that runs all of these activities smoothly.


Without cloud technology, most companies and businesses that rely on streaming services would be knocked out of balance and into a possible permanent shutdown. For instance, look at a company like Netflix and how they depend on an online content delivery system. If not for this system, we would still be in the age of DVD rentals. Skype, on the other hand, wouldn’t be existent if not for its dynamic service networking quality, which is also based on cloud services. Even everyday storage services like iCloud would not be operating without cloud technology.

Increased usage of Skype’s video and audio calling service over 3 months

Cloud Migration Services Dallas

Source: Forbes

Microsoft’s Skype Company has witnessed an estimated increase of 70% every month from February to April, for its video and audio calling service.

Therefore, cloud computing has made it easier to use all the above services remotely. For companies, educational institutions and global organizations, the use of video conferencing through applications such as Skype, wouldn’t be possible if not for cloud services. Even social media and mainstream media companies wouldn’t run effortlessly as they do right now without the cloud.

Now that you see how your enterprise can benefit from cloud services, the question is on how to choose the best cloud service provider. You must work with the best service provider, as this will determine the flow and speed of activities in your business.

Cloud computing comparison between 2019 and 2021

Cloud Services Dallas

E – Estimated

P – Projected

Source: markets and markets analysis, expert interviews, secondary research

At this point, if employees cannot collaborate remotely, then services come to complete lockdown. This can affect the company directly through downtime and income losses. In stressful situations, it may even lead to the permanent closure of the business.

The times when adverts in the dailies and online were used to convince companies to migrate to cloud are long gone and over. Right now, it is the most viable option to use, so that everything runs seamlessly in the business. It has become more of a necessity than a want. Cloud services are not only restricted to large enterprises but also for small and medium enterprises.

With cloud technology, you can reduce energy use, save on time and cut down unnecessary expenses through the outsourcing of IT. This can guarantee a boosted performance and productivity for your business, at a time like this when you need it most. With cloud computing, you can:

  • Get IT services on board.
  • Maintain constant and effective communication with your employees/colleagues.
  • Maintain your usual meeting schedule through video conferencing and conference calls.
  • Provide company bulletins and routine updates.
  • Have the liberty to work remotely, amidst lockdowns and other restrictions.

Until we come out of this pandemic, which we will, cloud and covid19 is the way to go for many businesses and companies. Stay an edge over the competition by outsourcing cloud and IT services from the best service providers.


  1. John Taller says:

    Like this post. I want to tell you that when I started writing blogs, I constantly had a situation of lack of time, but I solved this problem with the help of the site

  2. Jason Moore says:

    Great article! Benefits of moving to the cloud have been discussed and experienced in great detail in this pandemic. However, transition requires a significant change in business mind set, which requires time and introspection. Companies have to be prepared to adopt technology and systems that can prevent technical problems and address new cyber security threats, which will require investments; something that many are short of right now.

  3. Smith Lucas says:

    Cloud based sol is the best strategy for every business.

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