
The broad adoption of software by firms has led to digitization taking center stage in most companies’ operations. Approximately 42% of all businesses believe that new entrants in the market, which have embraced digitization, are a huge competition. You don’t want to stay behind the competition, as they lure all customers with their tech-savvy teams. This is why digital transformation needs to be part of your business plan and future.

Digital Transformation Company Dallas

Source: Statista

There’s no lie about transformations being hard, especially when they are digital. Therefore, a digital transformation strategy is paramount to the entire process being smooth, and ideally meeting all of your expectations. So how do you do that?


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Focus on the crucial elements for the digital transformation

Your success when finally initiating digital transformation will depend on several factors – some internal, others external. Most, if not all, of the external factors, are uncontrollable, talk of political conditions, market situation, legal limitations, and even a worldwide pandemic like the one we are in at the moment. Who would have thought that we would reach a point where people are forced to work and collaborate remotely?

However, you can take charge of the internal factors within your organization to foster a smoother process. You will need to focus on the following key elements:

  • Customer experience – your clients need to be in your mind during the digital transformation all of the time.
  • Cloud migration – decade-old technologies will fail you when it comes to digital transformation. This is why you need to employ cloud systems, which are easier to scale and maintain.
  • Digital marketing – this is to help you reach a broader mass of people for better engagements and conversions.
  • Data analytics – this is meant to help you make more informed decisions by adjusting services to meet your clientele’s needs.

Changing your strategy to tech/digital modes

You need to adjust your strategy to match the digital transformation you are after. All this has to take note of what the competition is doing, and equally what the customers are anticipating. Lastly, you equally need to check what the current technology landscape can accommodate.

50% of companies believe that data analytics is the primary technology enabling changes. On the other hand, 42% of companies believe that IoT is the fundamental technology driving change. Another 40% say that machine learning and artificial intelligence are the key drivers. The most obvious of all is cloud migration, as it is vital to a successful digital transformation.

Educate staff

It is pointless to upgrade your business without involving your staff. After all, who will help you run and coordinate all the processes afterwards? You must equip your employees with sufficient knowledge and information about digital transformation. All the transformations can hit a dead end when you fail to involve your staff.

It would be best if your staff would be able to keep up with the new tools and technologies and adopt all of them into their corporate culture.

Set a budget

Without a substantial investment in the digital transformation process, you might be fast heading to a massive fall. You need dedicated funding with a strategy on how you will implement the digital transformation to the end. The level of resources you need is pegged on your current goals.

However, who you work with also matters when it comes to budgeting. Hiring offshore teams can be more cost-effective than locally. For us at ISHIR, we offer you a credible digital transformation experience, and at a reasonable price point. We believe in the quality and efficiency of services.

When working with offshore talent, it is imperative to choose a service provider that understands your business objectives and supports all of them to the last one. We at ISHIR make sure that your needs and objectives come first, before anything else.

Outline your roadmap of the digital transformation

Working without direction is equivalent to shooting yourself on foot. Building the digital transformation strategy or plan, therefore, is of more importance than anything else. As earlier hinted, the roadmap should lead to the client, who is the most critical part of the business. Prioritize the areas that need the digital transformation more than the others, and start with those. This can ensure that you maintain a positive flow in the business and avoid any chances of failure and burnout.

Make an assessment of the current state of digital affairs in your organization

It is imperative to know what your starting point is, before beginning the journey. Take time to understand how your current processes work, as you ask yourself whether they meet clients’ needs. This will help you know what areas need urgent improvement and the ones that can maintain their form – to save on costs.

Are you still thinking how digital technologies can help you achieve long term business goals? Or would like to know what level of integration your current processes can go through? Don’t hesitate reach out to our Digital Experts for a free consultation.

Interested Read: COVID-19 drives businesses to the Cloud and Cloud-based solutions


  1. Joany says:

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