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Improve Project Management, Improve Profitability: Learn How!

As the business world is expanding and becoming more competitive, it is increasingly becoming indispensable to undertake a higher number of projects at... Read More

Microsoft's Azure AD Connect Tool Released

Microsoft's Azure Active Directory (AD) Connect tool has been released for all Azure Active Directory and Office 365 business customers. Microsoft announced... Read More

Using DI (Dependency Injection) & IoC (Inversion of Control) in MVVM

In this blog, I would like to give you an insight about the WPF and IoC to decouple views and ViewModels within MVVM I... Read More

Want to learn about security and privacy in the Cloud?

Have you wanted a deeper understanding of how secure your data is in Cloud? You always might have some unanswered questions or... Read More

APP-V 5.0 SP2 HOT FIX 4 & HOT FIX 5 Released

Both the connection groups viz. per-user and Global Publishing are no longer supported. This implies that now the applications in the connection group... Read More

Unable to find the best software development company? Here are a few considerations

The Project Manager and developers are expected to answer a variety of questions from the client. The apprehension and doubts are all... Read More

An overview of Windows 10 enterprise security features

  Source- https://redmondmag.com/articles/2015/07/30/~/media/ECG/redmondmag/Images/introimages2014/141022REDMackieWin10Sec.ashx So, what’s new? Well, according to Microsoft, cyber-attacks on businesses sure aren’t. They state that even recently fortune 500 companies... Read More

The Newest Trend In Microsoft AppV: AppV5.0 SP2

As we saw in the earlier versions of AppV [5.0, 4.6, 4.5], it was quite difficult to deal with applications which required VC... Read More

Expert insight into Big Data Management

  Source- http://www.forbes.com/sites/emc/2014/02/07/adopting-big-data-for-business-decision-making Let’s talk about Big Data. Well, what is Big Data Management? “Big data management relates to organization, administration and governance... Read More

How to Create a Complete Inbound Marketing Plan

Inbound Marketing sometimes become challenge because you need to cover all the specific skills like search engine optimization, social media, content writing,... Read More

Guide to efficiently manage lists and libraries in Office 365

If your SharePoint is starting to look a little cluttered and becoming hard to navigate, it’s probably about time to start implementing... Read More

Panda 4.0, Payday Loans 2.0 & the Significant Impact

  It’s official. After a period of relative silence, Matt Cutts from Google has finally announced two important algorithm updates: Panda 4.0            This... Read More

Heartbleed Bug: Change Your Passwords Now

Security researchers can all come to an agreement on one thing- the Heartbleed bug could be one of the biggest security threats the... Read More

Is your phone data at risk? Some encryption tools for Android can help protect your phone

So you are a concerned Android user worried about your data security? Well, you are not alone. The percentage of people paranoid... Read More

How to Choose a Reliable PSD Conversion Company?

PSD conversion has emerged as a commonly accepted modern day practice. No matter whether it is PSD to HTML conversion, PSD to Drupal... Read More

Microsoft Office 365 is preferred over Google Apps for Enterprise Cloud Adoption

Officially the fastest growing corporate product ever created by Microsoft, Office 365 has had an easy time surpassing Google Apps as... Read More

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) product, Salesforce, gets a facelift

As of this year, Salesforce became the highest valued cloud based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) product at $50 billion dollars. Because of... Read More

A Look at the Recent Facebook Changes

If there has been anything constant with Facebook, it is undoubtedly ‘change’. This time again, the popular social networking site has made some... Read More

How to construct CAML Query for an Array of Strings?

  Here is a simple function for constructing CAML Query if you have an array of strings. It is particularly helpful if the number... Read More

What are the risks to your Mobile App Security?

What to choose and what not to choose? With over 1.5 million mobile apps to choose from on your phone, finding the... Read More