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How is the IT workforce being transformed by Cloud adoption?

From one century to the next, the most modern technological products are nearly unrecognizable when compared side by side with their antiquated... Read More

Create WPF dashboard using DevExpress control for business analysis

  Earlier it was very difficult to design dashboard and it becomes more critical when user ask customization in it. Now we have DevExpress... Read More

Features Analysis of SharePoint Server 2016

We’ve come a long way since 2001 with Microsoft’s SharePoint platform. Despite those primitive looking little icons and its nauseatingly blocky window... Read More

Cloud Computing- A Growing Need In 2014

Since last decade Cloud Computing has been emerging as a biggest technology in this competitive world. This has drastically changed the need... Read More

Bundling to improve the performance of the website

As per the old saying “Performance is a vast area and great results can never be achieved by a silver bullet”. In fact,... Read More

Office365 or Open Source – the better choice

  A recent exchange between an Italian CIO, Stefano Bruscoli, Municipality of Pesaro, and Microsoft has sparked some conversation over which productivity software is... Read More

Considering application modernization? Get the facts first

With many companies pushing application modernization today, it can be a little difficult to see through the sales pitches and actually find... Read More

How important is a “Good Links Profile” for your Brand/Website

  What is a Good Link Profile? A good link profile is not just about the Backlinks a website/brand has on web, it is... Read More

What are the benefits of Hybrid Delivery Model?

If you have ever had any experience working with an offshore delivery model, you probably already know the pitfalls of such a... Read More

Improvements to On-site User Experience

As mobile adoption accelerates exponentially, and data shows people spending more than six hours a day, browsing websites via their laptops, PC’s, tablets;... Read More

Benefits of Facebook advertising

With over 250 million user base, Facebook is the most popular website on internet after Google. Users from different walks of life are... Read More

Risks of running on Windows Server 2003 and what you can do

Source- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e2/Windows_Server_2003_logo_and_wordmark.svg Despite Microsoft’s complete pulling of support from Windows Server 2003, there are still 600,000 computers hosting millions of websites online... Read More

Windows Phone 8 – Push notifications Service

A remote data provider web service is included in many mobile application to facilitates users with updated information or allow users to communicate... Read More

Is Cloud really safe? Here’s what you need to know about Cloud Security

 Sources: https://pixabay.com/p-149772/?no_redirect & https://pixabay.com/en/cloud-day-dark-cludy-weather-37010/ If you do a quick search on Google and type in simply, “Is the cloud really safe?” you’ll find... Read More

How does external sharing work on SharePoint Online?

Source- https://support.office.com/en-ca/article/Manage-external-sharing-for-your-SharePoint-Online-environment-c8a462eb-0723-4b0b-8d0a-70feafe4be85 As most of this blog follows directly from the Microsoft website, we will only seek to simplify how external sharing works.... Read More

One Business-Many Countries: Google Has Some Advice For Your Website

For the business owners whose target audience lies in more than one country , and they always struggle with the question of One... Read More

Product Reviews on Niche Blogs – New Marketing Approach for Ecommerce Businesses?

If you run an ecommerce store or website then this post is surely for you to learn why you should turn your focus... Read More

Review of Windows 10

After the disaster of Windows 8, Microsoft has been attentive to the feedback of the users. Free, loaded with features and apps... Read More

iOS 7.1- An Overview of the Cool New Features

  Apple released its newest update- iOS 7.1 for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch this week. The release marks as a much-needed touch-up... Read More

5 reasons for small businesses to consider Office 365

Source- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/74/Office_365_logo.png Office 365 has been beefing up their services in the last few years and many people now stand to gain from... Read More