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New Google Newsstand App Replaces Play Magazines, Currents

Google has released a Google Play Newsstand app for Android. The new arrival replaces Google Play Magazines and Google Currents to provide a... Read More

Social Media for Business: The Mistakes You can Avoid

Social Media is ruling the world since last decade, but many people are still confused as to what to do or what not... Read More

Google Warns Local Businesses: You Have 3 Weeks to Save Your Places Listing

If you have your business set up on Google local pages, there are a couple changes that you should be aware of when... Read More

App-V 5 and UAC File Virtualization

With the Emergence of App-V 5, we no longer have PKG files structure under virtual Drive (generally as Q:\) as against in APP-V... Read More

How to Find Out Folder or File is Held by which Process?

Many a times, we come across a scenario wherein we are not able to modify or delete folder or directory. However, this blog... Read More

The Multi-Platform Majority Has Arrived. Are You Ready?

One of my favorite discussions to have with the Millennials at my office revolves around what it was like to be in college... Read More

How to Plan Effectively for Content Marketing in 2014

We all know that SEO is evolving. Further, the relevance of high quality and frequent content around market position is critical. With 2014... Read More

How to Recognize Your Blog Commentators

Every blogger loves to hear the thoughts of his audience for enhanced confidence and amelioration in his blog by taking into consideration the... Read More

Never Underestimate the Power of Quality Content to Win the Sales War

There is one thing that we all as SEO’s have learnt specifically after the Panda and Penguin updates, i.e., to produce high quality... Read More

It’s not all dark: Slicing and Dicing Your Performance to See the Better Side

The field of SEO is multifaceted where you are in a constant worry about algorithm updates, changes in search traffic, and developing unique... Read More

Hit By Panda and Confused About Low-Quality Content? Run This Google Analytics Report Now

There has always been a lot of confusion surrounding Google Panda. And I totally get it. It's frustrating, scary, and an all-around... Read More

Google’d love you more if you have a HTTPS website!

The search engine giant Google has recently announced that it will start giving priority to sites with encryption. The sites with ‘https’... Read More

The secrets of designing and building big data apps

Software applications have traditionally been perceived as a unit of computation designed and used to solve a problem. Whether an application... Read More

Did You Know About Application Compatibility Testing?

XP, Vista, Windows 7 and now Windows 8. Wow! But? This “But” will be always there in every one’s mind whenever new version... Read More

SEO Local: Are You Taking Care of These Aspects?

The Internet no doubt is global but many users do look for local products and services. As announced by Google, over 20% of... Read More

Steps To Follow If The Virtualized Application Is Unable To Launch Correctly

If the Virtualized application fails to launch appropriately, you will receive the following error “0xc0000142” as popup. If you see this error “0xc0000142”, Click... Read More

Warning: What To Do When You See The Fatal Error 1603

During Installation, there are times when you encounter this fatal error 1603. The message is displayed by the Windows Installer Engine which... Read More

Choosing the Right SEO Agency

Companies all over hang up shingles asserting to be a leader in the field of search engine optimization (SEO). The problem, however, comes... Read More

Architecture and Version Support with App-V 5.0

Microsoft has recently unveiled the latest App-V 5.0 SP2. With it, new questions have arisen regarding supportability and backwards compatibility. My aim... Read More

Key Technology Trends for Nonprofits in 2014

In 2014, tremendous opportunities exist for organizations to use technology to deliver on their missions in a very effective and scalable way, both... Read More