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Software Outsourcing: Helping Businesses Grow

Without a doubt, outsourcing custom software development has become very popular among businesses today. It has become one of the most viable options... Read More

How is Artificial Intelligence changing the Public Sector?

In 2016, the White House released a report about how they can effectively use Artificial Intelligence. In fact, it was revealed that... Read More

5 Content Marketing Mistakes You Must Avoid

The creation and distribution of content online is one of the best methods to attract more customers to your business. With this, content... Read More

Agile Development: Ensure a Successful Requirements Gathering Phase

While less than one percent of IT departments even heard about Agile in 2000, Gartner and Forrester statistics indicate that 60-80 percent of... Read More

Mobility: A Paradigm Shift for Enterprises

Technology has dramatically changed the way of working in the recent years and it is the collation of powerful mobile computing devices that... Read More

Disappointed with the SharePoint Look and Feel? Outsource to SharePoint Branding Experts

SharePoint has come a long way in terms of user interface and navigation in the recent years. However, providing a user interface which... Read More

AWS Security Challenges – Tips for Effective Management

If you’re on AWS Cloud, is security a big concern? In this blog, we explore some of the most effective security mechanisms... Read More

How Brands Are Preparing for 2013: 10 Future-Proof SEO Steps

2012 saw plenty of changes in the SEO industry. The search algorithms have changed, the SERP results have changed, and how SEO professionals... Read More

Top 10 reasons why we love Microsoft Office 365

  Image Source: http://www.messageops.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Office-365-Change-Management.jpg Recently a prospective client asked me what was so great about Office 365. This particular client is a growing healthcare... Read More

A/B Testing Now in the Mobile App World

A test long used in the world of web to make sites appealing or increase e-commerce sales has now started making its presence... Read More

Tips to Choose the Right On-demand Testing Service Provider

On demand software testing service is a superior alternative to traditional QA delivery models that helps avoid delays and inefficiencies. It’s a... Read More

AdWords Enhanced Campaigns Hands-On

Google has already started to roll out the newly announced AdWords enhanced campaigns to select accounts (learn more about enhanced campaigns here and here). Advertisers can expect to... Read More

What services do leading US advertising agencies outsource to stay at the top of the game?

Are there a high number of US advertising and digital marketing agencies that consider outsourcing? Yes, there definitely are. What services do they... Read More

What Machine Learning can do and cannot do?

Yes, we all love to know the future trends and like to be prepared. Each day, we read about something related to Machine... Read More

Optimize Website Landing Pages for Better Conversions

The quality of your website landing page is one of the most important factors that show whether you are able to convert your... Read More

4 leading AWS cloud monitoring and management tools to be used in 2020

As per an article on TechCrunch, AWS is so far ahead of the rest that no-one can seriously challenge its leadership in the... Read More

How to Avoid the Risk of Password Hacking?

Deloitte’s prediction: In 2013 more than 90 percent of user-generated passwords will become easy for hackers to hack within a few seconds, including... Read More

Steps to Measure Social Media Success

Social media marketing has been the buzzword for businesses these days.  It is one of the most valuable resources, which is easily accessible... Read More

Best tools for better project quality and improved development process

Continuous Integration or CI is a software engineering best practice. Yes! We know this is exactly what can improve your software speed,... Read More

Comparison between Microsoft Teams and Slack – which one is better for your business?

There is a change in the way Enterprises work. Collaboration takes almost 80% more time of employees, compared to the traditional ways... Read More