
Google AdWords has yet another update with the new Google Display Planner, a tool combining the Contextual Targeting Tool, Placement Tool and Google Ad Planner into a single unit. The new dashboard provides advertisers essential tools in a single location, with the added convenience of being built into the AdWords platform. Google believes that the new planner will help markets build better display campaigns.


The Display Planner helps marketers find their target audience on the web and better customize display campaigns. Simply enter the desired audience, and websites, mobile apps, and video channels associated with that audience will be recommended to you.


Google will gradually phase out the Contextual Targeting and Placement tools over the next few days and Google Ad planner will be discontinued in September. To help users adjust, Google has provided a comprehensive Display Planner guide and webinar, set to take place in the next 6 weeks.


Adwords Display Planner Tutorial

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