
Is it possible to have an offshore QA tester or offshore QA team who can test your product, software or application thoroughly? There are several Enterprise owners and CIOs who are concerned if an offshore model can work for their business as they worry that an offshore team might not be able to follow their best practices or deliver as expected.

hire an offshore QA team India

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Your product/software or application might need to undergo several types of testing before it is released to end users.

Learn about the various software testing services that ISHIR can offer.

When you hire an offshore QA team, you expect the following:

  • You want to be control
  • Want them to deliver quickly
  • Want to ramp up or ramp down as required
  • Want it to be cost-effective
  • Want to work with a team that is professional, expert and thorough
  • Want to work with a team that can communicate regularly and effectively

In short, you want to work with a team that can work as your extended team.

What if I gave you 5 most effective tips to hire an offshore QA team who works as your perfect extension?


1. Assess if they have a proactive and innovative mindset

This might sound like a difficult one to assess but you can connect with the past clients of the offshore QA partner to assess if they have a proactive and innovative approach. They should be proactive to communicate issues quickly. Check if they are aware of the latest QA tools and technologies, latest testing trends and methodologies and can bring value addition to your project. The new ways of working can enhance productivity and quality of deliverables of your product/ software/application.


2. Judge their commitment and trustworthiness

The QA team must be trustworthy and committed so that they can deliver on time. The team must be comfortable to report issues on time and build trust of stakeholders to deliver on time and budget. You can speak to their previous clients to assess their level of commitment and how trustworthy the QA team is.


3. Communication Skills

It is imperative, for any offshore team, to communicate effectively. They need to meet their deadlines and project goals on time and, therefore, be able to communicate regularly with the key stakeholders. They must be aware of the expectations, changes and progress to ensure that deadlines are not missed. The offshore QA team must set up a time for connecting with the development team and key stakeholders at least once a week. They must follow a standard format to present progress and report issues on time.

4. Solution mind-set

Ensure that your hire an offshore QA team with a solution mindset. They must be able to offer your unique and valuable suggestions to make improvements to your product, software or application. A team that mostly displays a problem mindset will be responsible for project delays and bugs getting ignored in your product, software or application.


5. Has a one team attitude

This is probably the most important aspect for an offshore QA team to work as your extension. They must be keen to learn about your enterprise, project goals and the expectations that you have from them. With a one team attitude, the offshore QA partner can propel towards achievement of project goals, increase productivity and get maximum ROI. The offshore QA team must spend time to understand your work culture and your inner works.


If you are seeking a trustworthy, committed and innovative offshore QA team, who can work extensively, test thoroughly and deliver a bug free application or software to you, you can speak to us to discuss your requirement.

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