Warning: What To Do When You See The Fatal Error 1603

During Installation, there are times when you encounter this fatal error 1603. The message is displayed by the Windows Installer Engine which... Read More

Architecture and Version Support with App-V 5.0

Microsoft has recently unveiled the latest App-V 5.0 SP2. With it, new questions have arisen regarding supportability and backwards compatibility. My aim... Read More

The Wonder Tool That Is App-V 5.0’s Configuration Editor (ACE) tool

The App-V 5.0 Configuration Editor (ACE) is part of the Virtual Engine Toolkit that provides an easy way to modify App-V 5.0 Dynamic Configuration files. The dynamic... Read More

Office 365 Growing Stronger in Japan

Organizations, around the world, want to tap what cloud can offer and enhance their output and improve their business processes. Microsoft’s Office... Read More

All About Microsoft’s Recently Launched App-V 5.0 SP3

The latest version of App-V 5.0 SP3 (which is part of MDOP 2014 R2) is now available in the market. If you... Read More

Running An Update For App-V 5.0

Wondering how an App-V 5.0 package can be updated? You need to understand a few features to ensure a smooth update for... Read More

PowerApps and Microsoft Flow is now available on Microsoft SharePoint

On 31st October 2016, Microsoft SharePoint announced the availability of PowerApps and Microsoft Flow. Both the tools enable users to automate workflows... Read More

Want the best from your application performance? The most important thing is to choose the right application maintenance service provider

If you wish to get the best from your IT applications, you need to ensure that you engage with a mature service... Read More

300% Increase in Ransomware Attacks since 2015 – What to Do

The fastest growing malware threat, ransomware, has gone from 1,000 daily attacks to 4,000 in only one year. Targeting people at home... Read More