7 SaaS Security Risks and Concerns That Every Business Should Address

The ongoing digital transformation in every industry vertical has led to many organizations gravitating towards cloud. According to SWZD, by 2023, 50% of... Read More

10 Cybersecurity Questions You Should Always be Asking Your IT Vendor

Working with a third-party IT vendor is pretty common for enterprises these days. However, we always suggest businesses opt for such collaborations only... Read More

Worried about Cyber Security-Build your Incident Response Plan

As per the report given by Gartner, by 2022 the worldwide information security market is forecasted to reach $170.4 billion. Due to human... Read More

Rethinking cyber security during and after COVID-19 crisis is over

COVID-19 has brought a lot of changes globally. Not only have health measures changed drastically, but the way we work has changed too.... Read More

The Growth of Smart Cities and Why Cybersecurity is an Issue

In 2017, technology firm Navigant Research released a report showing that there were—at the time—250 projects in the world revolving around constructing smart... Read More

Adopt These 15 Cybersecurity tips For Staying Safe in 2021

From the Facebook data incident to the Russian supposed intrusion into countries’ politics, and many more episodes, 2020 was a hot year for... Read More

What will cybersecurity look like in 2025?

 Our online world gives us unlimited opportunity, but it’s paired with significant risk, specifically when it comes to cybersecurity. Risks are coming from... Read More