15 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Presence

Since its inception, social media has been a game-changer for many businesses and not just in an insignificant way. Now, every business is... Read More

Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Marketing – 15+ Actionable Tips (Infographic)

For newbies who have just begun their online journey, learning the best ways to increase brand awareness, improve traffic and ranking is of... Read More

The Right And Wrong Way To "Do" Social Media

Social Media over the last decade has exploded and will continue to do so. It is hard to imagine life before AIM, Twitter... Read More

Learn, Why Instagram is good for your business

Instagram has been the latest trend for last couple of years. Since, its inception in 2010, it shows no sign of slowing... Read More

Is Your LinkedIn Profile Picture Setting You Up for Failure?

The good                  The Bad              The Ugly As the popular adage goes, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, but... Read More

Heartbleed Bug: Change Your Passwords Now

Security researchers can all come to an agreement on one thing- the Heartbleed bug could be one of the biggest security threats the... Read More

A Look at the Recent Facebook Changes

If there has been anything constant with Facebook, it is undoubtedly ‘change’. This time again, the popular social networking site has made some... Read More

Benefits of Facebook advertising

With over 250 million user base, Facebook is the most popular website on internet after Google. Users from different walks of life are... Read More

Social Media Tricks To Enhance Your Business in 2018

After Google’s recent Guest Blogging Penalty, it is quite clear that Guest Blogging no more exists in the link building strategy. ... Read More

The Once Famous Yahoo! Directory is Shutting Down: An Era Comes to an End

THE SAD NEWS –  When the world will celebrate New Year on 31st December 2014, personnel at Yahoo! would be bidding a tearful adieu... Read More

Google’s on a New Flight! This Time its’ A Pigeon Update

Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird and now Pigeon! While to some this would seem like the names of avian species. But wait! Actually, they are... Read More

Google Authorship Experiment Failed

Google recently announced that going forward it will not display Google Authorship references in its search results. In other words, Google has removed... Read More

Why Ex-Google Employees Not Reveal the Ranking Secrets in Google

Recently, I noticed a thread at Black Hat World asking why have we tend to not seen a case wherever a former Google... Read More

Google Warns Local Businesses: You Have 3 Weeks to Save Your Places Listing

If you have your business set up on Google local pages, there are a couple changes that you should be aware of when... Read More

5 Facebook Ad Features to Use NOW!

Facebook HQ has been busy tinkering with the ads platform to make improvements that provide Facebook advertisers more control, more organization, and... Read More

Google’s Hummingbird Update: What It Means for Local SEO?

This past September during the 15th birthday party of Google, the company announced a new algorithm update called “Hummingbird”.  This is one of... Read More

Google Alerts for Businesses – How to Use it for Better SEO

The World Wide Web is a big hub of information. Being internet the new face of marketing, it is vital to have a... Read More

Social Media Automation: A Beginner's Guide for Small Business Owners

Social media has been in the news for years as the newest marketing tool that will transform how businesses are promoted. Large companies... Read More

Facebook Ad Manager Updates: Simple Tools to Increase your FB Social Marketing Effectiveness

In an attempt to simplify their ad products, Facebook unveiled numerous updates to its Ad Manager platform to help you garner, consolidate, and... Read More

Google Reader Closes: Save Your Data by July 15 Or Lose it Forever

Google Reader is no more. Google officially closed the doors on its popular RSS news reader yesterday. Today, it has posted the following... Read More