Cloud-Based, Cloud-Native, and Cloud-Enabled Applications — What fits your business?

Cloud applications models are aplenty, but most businesses don't know which model syncs best with their unique business needs. Each one has its... Read More

Top 15 Front End Development Tools in 2022

Front-end development is an essential aspect of having a presence online. Websites are meaningless without front-end development, and users cannot have a good... Read More

Top 18 Emerging Databases to Use in 2024 and Beyond

Digital transformation drives many businesses to produce bulks of information. Whether a small venture or a large organization, you need a reliable database... Read More

The Metaverse: What Is It, and 5 Different Ways Companies Can Utilize Metaverse

People usually know virtual reality as being limited to the media they consume. Other than what various media depict, many are unaware that... Read More

What is Scrumban? Importance, How it works, & Common Myths of Scrumban

When it comes to operating successful projects, there are a plethora of project management methodologies to adopt. Scrum and Kanban are examples of... Read More

Flutter vs. React Native – Which to Choose In 2022

With the introduction of mobile app development, the digitization phenomenon has exploded. All items and services may be found in a single app... Read More

What is The Agile SDLC, And How Will it Work in 2024?

Software development is a fast-paced, competitive industry. Change impacts a project's viability, market assumptions require validation, and project progress must constantly sync with... Read More

The SaaS Business Model: Major Facts Every SaaS based company Should Know

Businesses are scaling and diversifying their income sources thanks to SaaS apps and the SaaS business model. Thus according to BMC, 74% of... Read More

Top 15 Emerging Technology Trends to watch in 2022 and beyond

2021 was an exciting year for several reasons, one of the main factors being the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. One year on,... Read More

Top 8 Software Development Methodologies and their Pros and Cons

Developers are regularly hustling with the evolving transformation, i.e. "how software gets built." Moreover, programming pioneers face endless options to put resources into... Read More

Top Web development Frameworks: A complete guide

Indeed, even the most basic software development project includes multiple IT trained professionals, meetings, discussions, and a delivery timeline that has to be... Read More

What are website maintenance services and its importance for businesses in 2021?

A functional & secure website with good UI/UX acts like the first impression for your business. Routinely refreshing/updating your site is essential for... Read More

11 Top JavaScript Mobile Frameworks: You Can’t Afford To Miss Them!

Mobile applications have made our lives easier than ever. We can hardly think of a life without mobile applications. This has led to... Read More

5 Web Portal Examples that Every Business can Refer to

The popularity of Web portals has scaled during the pandemic. Majorities of enterprises use web portals to offer a personalized approach to their... Read More

8 Fundamental SDLC Models Every Developer should know about

Planning your “to-do” list is always a good idea. It can save time and keep you informed about any last-minute changes. It is... Read More

Top 21 fantastic Software ideas in 2023 to nurture startup dreams

The vision of people is changing with time. Nowadays, people are taking startups more seriously, and they are ready to leave their 9... Read More

7 questions you should ask before building desktop applications

With the presence of emerging commercial challenges, a company's mobile presence is significant. It gives market leaders as well as newcomers a variety... Read More

35 Best App Ideas for the Startups in 2023

What are we without our mobile phones! It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but it's the harsh truth- we are dependent on our... Read More

What is 5G? Everything you need to know about 5G

It's easy to understand how wireless communications technology becomes highly relevant over time: wireless communications have promoted improvements in organizations, education, and technology... Read More

Make the remote working more efficient by using a custom HRMS software in 2021

The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on firms was so significant that the working culture of organizations took a paradigm and unprecedented shift.... Read More