
Enterprise mobile application development is growing as a necessity for business leaders today.
It allows companies to digitize and accelerate their business measures yet reinforce their brands for better collaboration with workers, clients, and financial investors.

As per the data from a reputed company, 73 percent of organizations are willing to invest in enterprise app development in the upcoming years. On the other hand, 84 percent of businesses admit that by integrating mobile apps, there has been an increase in overall productivity.

CEOs/CIOs and CTOs must partner with quality enterprise app development companies to create value while shielding against the possible turmoil caused by an inadequately designed & developed enterprise mobile app.

This blog will cover the following:

  • What is an Enterprise Mobile Application development?-Explaining to the C-Level Executive.
  • Why should you develop an Enterprise Mobile Application for your organization?
  • Different aspects of enterprise mobile application development
  • Types of Enterprise Mobile apps
  • Factors to consider before choosing the Enterprise mobile app development 
  • Important Features of an Enterprise Mobile App
  • Why ISHIR is the best enterprise mobile application development company?
  • Enterprise mobile application development process

Enterprise Mobile Application development – Through the Need & Perspective of a CEO

If you are a C-level executive, you have to develop an enterprise mobile application to achieve digital transformation in your business. 

To get more clarity, let’s take an instance. Companies deploy heavy software like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Transportation Management System (TMS) to reduce operational expenses while managing and optimizing corporate data/communication both internally & externally with employees, clients, and partners.

These systems are only operated on desktop/laptop with, of course, terrible UX and UI. 

On the other hand, Enterprise Mobile Applications is a centralized app/platform which allows all stakeholders (both internal & external) to interact with the company through a secure channel, thus improving operational efficiency and productivity.

Rather than developing or building a separate mobile app for different units, subunits, departments, regions, an enterprise mobile app integrates all of them in one cohesive area that not only enhances your clients’ & customers’ retention rate but at the same time provides that much needed competitive advantage.

Reasons to Develop an Enterprise Mobile Application

Apart from delivering collaborative enterprise aptitudes, access corporate workflow, and assure encrypted data transfer; the whole enterprise mobility management (comes under the form of an app) provides the following reasons for enterprise mobile app development to the management of a company, to its employees, and to its clients/partners:

Boosting Employee Satisfaction

Enterprise mobile apps can likewise be paraphernalia for building employee commitment. Data available inside the reach of cell phones can give them real-time knowledge on the corporate cycle, system, and execution. It offers employees a superior comprehension of their part in the more consequential corporate picture and can enhance the relationship with the organization. 

Businesses can connect with their employees in a wide range of tasks through an enterprise mobile application. For instance, you can utilize an application to survey employees about significant drives and binding decisions. It’s a distinctive way for the advanced and versatile labor force to partake in conversations or projects. 

Access to Data Through a Secured Path

C-level executives and managers can collect/monitor/manage necessary data or information through a mobile app. 

Data-infused and analytics-powered mobile apps educate business leaders regarding opportunities or shortcomings that can be approached and discussed. Such apps can be utilized in each sort of business: retail, manufacturing, eCommerce, and other service-based businesses.

Enterprise mobile applications are the interface for colossal information. Enterprises and more modest organizations assemble different sorts of data and attempt to decipher them into helpful tools in dynamic cycles. 

Control over Complex Supply Chain

One more approach to improve enterprise optimization is to use an application for supply chain constancies. An application can work on the planning, distribution, and superintendence of transportation in your association. With better command and monitoring, you will be able to streamline the supply chain process, saving different types of costs.

Acquiring a Competitive Advantage

Gigantic organizations regularly battle to stay up with the always-evolving market. They need to remain inventive; however, new companies, especially startups, can beat them in the innovation race, as huge associations are kept down by extremely organized strategies and systems. 

That is the reason small and spry organizations turned into the main thrust for market changes. They make new products and services quickly and efficiently. They rapidly test and expeditiously execute inventive methods of collaboration with clients. It’s a definite threat for big organizations. The answer for this issue is adopting a startup-like culture within some departments to remain competitive.

They can be utilized to construct a society of pioneers inside the association, expedite dialogue on essential topics, and be a stage for publicly supporting groundbreaking thoughts. 

Employee onboarding 

For large businesses, enterprise mobile applications can do miracles when it comes to improving the onboarding system.  Automating only a couple of fundamental steps can save HR specialists a great deal of time and exertion. Having an application that handles the data about the certification of employees can likewise enhance the work for the HR office. 

Transactions & Payments Processing Features

This one is particularly significant for retailers or enterprises that use e-commerce payment systems. Having an application zeroed in on exchanges through an intuitive dashboard can assist you to set alerts on the payment deadlines and the various factors involved in managing the money.


Aspects of Enterprise Mobile Applications

There is no doubt that migration to an enterprise mobile app solution can pose challenges, but at the same time, it provides a plethora of new opportunities. While laying down a corporate strategy for mobility, it’s essential to set metrics to track business imperatives and parallelly maintain a balance between cost and benefits.


Most companies do not know or have expertise with comprehensive mobility deployments; many face versatility challenges as they execute small ventures and strive to scale to hundreds of users (employees, clients, or customers). 

A jury-rigged approach might be appropriate for a proof of concept (PoC) synopsis or possibly as a method to explain the value of an enterprise mobile app for both internal and external communication.


When we are talking about the mobile engagement of your audience, the smooth flow of information and the user experience is critically important. Organizations also need to include adequate staff training to enable them to see and take advantage of the benefits that a mobile solution brings to their working lives.

The most influential force that affects the enterprise mobile app is users who know how and where it can influence their capacity to work faster and in an agile way. User experience is not just necessary; it paves the way for better app engagement. You need to train your staff in a manner that they know how to take maximum advantage of the mobile application.

Application Roadmap

While these applications need to fulfill a business objective, they need to do this in a way that meets the expectations of the user community, which comprises everyone. 

Therefore the application should be able to meet usability, functional ability, and reliability metrics. Organizations need to propose an enterprise application development guide to assure that there is no duplication of exertion around the development process. When a roadmap is in action, it permits the association to view how explicit components of applications and design need to be arranged to boost the increases and upgrade use.

Types of Enterprise Mobile Applications

Each type of enterprise mobile application serves a different cause. A company should evaluate & finalize its business needs before making one. Following are different types of enterprise mobile apps:

Employee Level Enterprise App

These kinds of apps are specially designed and developed for within the organization’s use. It could be a communication app or a project management/reporting app.

Departmental Level Enterprise App

In order to enhance the productivity of a particular department- such as marketing, human resource, or sales; these types of apps are created. 

Company Level Enterprise App

These can also be termed cohesive enterprise mobile apps as it brings/connects every department/sub-department onto a single network.

Factors to Consider Before Enterprise App Development

Effective enterprise mobility solutions are a precise balance between the needs of the end-user as well as the enterprise.

Understand Your Business Objectives

The above all else perspective before developing an enterprise application is to comprehend your objectives. This means you need to know the fundamental reasons behind your venture, what issues your enterprise mobile app will address, and what advantages it will offer your association?

Likewise, assuming you are developing an enterprise application for your customers, you need to pen down every one of the critical cases that the application could improve.

Furthermore, if you are using applications for your employees, better comprehend their necessities and prerequisites before deploying one.


Security is seemingly the central part of enterprise mobile application development because of the scattered idea of versatility.

Basically, if a gadget can’t be commanded or an application is unstable or insecure – neither should be permitted to get to the organization’s database. These bad qualities are the weaknesses that hackers search out to penetrate frameworks.

Third-Party Integrations

It impersonates a critical part in deciding the viability of your enterprise application. Even though you can incorporate every one of the essential features, there are times when you need a few functionalities that are past the extent of your application.

In such a circumstance, third-party applications can help you to build a desirable product. You can accomplish every one of your objectives adequately with the assistance of these third-party applications.

User Experience

User experience is again one of the indispensable perspectives that should be tended to before developing an enterprise application. The users of your application will be the solitary individual using your applications, and on the off chance that they are upset or confounded, it is of no use.

Therefore, put resources into UI and UX and create an interactive interface to improve your user experience. Likewise, you can give a brief training program of the application to your employees to guarantee that everyone could utilize the application impeccably.

Important Features of an Enterprise Mobile App

Once the purpose of enterprise mobility app development is determined, the focus should be on consolidating the best features & functionalities to improve the user experience. Every enterprise mobility app should concentrate on the following features/specifications:

Real-Time Analytics and Connectivity

Integrating enterprise mobility applications in the current framework uses innovation to explore better insights in continuous cycles. Each application should have scientific psychological abilities, also known as cognitive analytical, to win. Present-day corporations need to oversee a vast number of procedures, deals and manage hundreds of partners in real-time.

Real-time connectivity enables apps to obtain appropriate data round the clock via consistent connectivity. Acquisition and interpretation of real-time data can transform an app into a competent business advisor, thereby enhancing contemporary processes.

Cloud Storage

Associations are spending vigorously on cloud storage systems. According to most recent industry reviews, increasing spending on cloud services will be multiple times more than spending on IT in a similar period. This shows that companies are earnest regarding cloud storage, making it a fundamental element for the accomplishment of an enterprise mobile app.

Event-Driven Approach

This methodology centers around delivering answers to meet objectives by quickly reacting to explicit occasions. By making enterprise mobile applications dependent on event-driven methods/approaches, designers would have the option to give real-time answers and influence dynamic business possibilities to their highest potential. 

By focusing on an event-driven approach, any enterprise application can prevail in its effort to develop employee engagement further, smooth out business activities, emphatically sway business effectiveness, and speed up an association towards long-haul growth.

Push Notifications

We all know that as per the market trends, push- notifications can confidently positively affect the user’s behavior. These notifications will remind your users about critical tasks, events in the queue, and any business crisis.

Offline mode

This is one of the critical elements that an app can’t survive without, essentially in the current situation. With the test of enduring the outrageous competition, create and plan an enterprise application that can embrace offline abilities or can work in offline mode.

The user doesn’t get disappointed with a bad internet connection as they can access fundamental functionalities of the application regardless of whether there is no network. This assists you with acquiring a strategic & competitive advantage as well as user loyalty.

Why ISHIR is the best enterprise mobile application development company?

A comprehensive & sublime blend of framework engineering and code quality is the thing that you can anticipate from a top enterprise mobile application development company like ISHIR. We apply industry best practices and technologies for enterprise mobile application development and provide the best user experience.

ISHIR, with the help of agile methodology and tools, makes sure that we deliver an A-class mobile app that sets a standard when it comes to speed, flexibility, security, UI/UX, etc.

Enterprise Mobile Application Development Process we Follow

ISHIR’s enterprise application development process depends upon balancing user and business needs by following a well-planned and designed workflow.


Firstly, we need to know what precisely you wish to get as a final result. For this, we examine and break down the minor subtleties of your necessities, arrange them, and figure the surmised cutoff times and spending plan of your venture. 

Given this, we continue to expound on the particulars you require and essential application traces into a UI/UX design.

App development

With the fundamental mainstay of programming configuration set up, the most perplexing task’s technoscientific part starts – the development of the full app functionality. We have separate working groups dealing with the frontend and backend independently. 

In this manner, we execute the primary server and user-side of the app, integrate them up, and develop a robust and reliable app.

Testing & Quality Control

To guarantee that the app goes out into the market without startling imperfections or unpolished UI and UX parts, we pass the app through different testing iterations. 

Our programmers consolidate manual and automated testing procedures and test an application until all potential bugs that might show up in different statuses are fixed. 

Lastly, ISHIR provides custom enterprise app development services to each client based on their unique business requirements and different process flow. In today’s time when businesses need more productivity and agility, ISHIR is the preferred choice having experience of 21+ years in the IT domain.


  1. Angela says:

    Thankyou for your information. Very insightful and comprehensive.

  2. Douglas Fuller says:

    Great piece of information on Enterprise mobile application development, thanks for sharing..

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