
Mobile Revolution

The importance of mobile devices

We know that the mobile is where people are doing their social networking, reading, video viewing and of course local researching. The Mobile now being 5x bigger than the internet and growing 400% a year. Mobile marketing is now the most powerful and cost effective media for marketing.

No one would have guessed the mobile internet is outperforming the desktop internet but it is. We live in an era of technology, where having your cell phone on you is no question. Businesses that are not positioned for the mobile market are losing at least 50 % of their potential new business every day. In fact in the next coming year, statistics show that businesses that are not mobile will struggle as much as a company would today without a website or an email. Here are 5 statistics that reinforce just how important it is to have a mobile presence.

1). 91 % of adults have their mobile within arms reach 24/7

2). 99 % of smartphone users use their phone every single day

3). 95 % of users use their cell phone for local search

4). 77 % of smartphone users contacted a business after searching for a local business

5). Americans spend 2.7 hours a day socializing on their phone which is twice as much time as they spend eating

It is clear that the mobile revolution will continue to transform businesses across the next decade.  We can predict over the next five years mobile marketing will include rich media formats that provide personalized, and contextually content that is not perceived as ads by consumers.It is important to keep your social media pages, websites, and online review sites up to date.

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