

Google is taking broader steps in increasing traction and reach for App downloads through paid medium. Recently Google has launched a new feature “installed app category targeting” on the AdMob network. With this new feature, an app advertiser can target people who have already installed similar apps in the past from Google play or iTunes store.


For example, Jim wants to sell his Car racing game online and wants to reach people who have already downloaded action and racing games. All this is possible through “installed app category targeting”.


Another new way to promote apps online is through video ads on AdMob network via recently launched feature viz. “interstitial video ads”. A video ad can be created using YouTube video link or via automatically generated video from images, icons, review etc. through Google Play Store listing.


How to measure performance of “installed app category targeting” campaign?


In Adwords, the installed apps are displayed as conversions such that conversion metrics are always available for measuring the ROI from the campaign.


Also in order to optimize “installed app category targeting” campaign, conversion optimizer can be used right from the start of the campaign. It will automatically allocate the optimal bid for your ad without waiting for conversion history to accrue. This will further help in achieving ROI as per the targeted CPA.


Re-engage people with your ads!


Another great feature that has been recently launched is re-engaging people who have already downloaded your app. As per a study conducted by Compuware 80%-90% of the users who download apps, don’t use them more than once.  Now with the new settings, an advertiser can target their existing app user database with their ads showing them appropriate deals/ads to this existing database of appropriate users.


For example, a travel business can reach its existing base of customers (who have already downloaded their app) with deals on hotels ad. On clicking the ad, system will take the user to the downloaded app on their device for further booking. Similarly, existing customer base can also be reached with appropriate offer ads by landing them on an offer webpage.


With all the innovations going around, it seems like an interesting year ahead. We will keep you updated with all the recent updates happening around digital world of advertising.


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