
If the Virtualized application fails to launch appropriately, you will receive the following error “0xc0000142” as popup.

If you see this error “0xc0000142”, Click OK and close the application.

The error code in App-V event viewer will show as below –

“The virtual application ‘path to virtualized executable’ could not be started because the App-V Subsystem ‘Virtual File system’ could not be initialized. {Error: 0x74300C0A-0x20006}”


The user will receive this error message because the NTFS 8.3 directory short name might be disabled on the machine.       

Path –



However, if you enable the NTFS 8.3 directory short name, your application will work error-free.  To enable NTFS, follow the steps below –


HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation value to 2 and reboot the machine after changing the value.  

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