
Now, learn the art of troubleshooting in an easy manner using App-V version 4.5 & 4.6 if you are doing sequencing.  The file which is responsible for making changes in Application Virtualization is known as SFTLDR.DLL. With it, you can make changes like translation, redirections, functionality changes & affects.


As soon as you change the file directory, you will be redirected to Virtual File System (VFS). Also registry level changes get hooked & automatically redirects to virtual registry hives. You can even modify certain services & COM object by SFTLDR.DLL file.


To make an impact in the client’s mind, the common & easiest way is to make use of OSD file at the application level. In general troubleshooting, we make use of small things such as disabling & enabling local interaction and object spoofing. At an advanced level, we take few things by disabling various virtual components using Overrides under System Guard.


Location of Registry Hive:



Are you willing to know about the process of Virtual Services that are responsible for disabling and enabling virtual APP?


Edit XML element in the OSD file to disable or enable the virtual services.


Virtual Registry disabling and enabling of virtual APP:




This will work on a per package basis.


If you want to disable the subsystem of the client, you can do so by simply adding the DisableVirtualServices DWORD value should be 1. On the other hand, if you want enable virtual services, the value should be 0.


If you have enabled this virtual service SFTLDR.DLL don’t hook the service APIs/virtual registry calls.


After disabling all the hooking, launch the shortcut which is locally installed. It is probable, that it will try to come out into the virtual bubbles and might function in an inappropriate manner. But this will work only at the client level which is why we certainly call it as the troubleshooting option.



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