
Microsoft in its latest announcement proclaimed, “The online presentation app, Sway is now available to public.” Earlier, people only with invites could make use of this web based presentation tool. Using this app, users can create image and text rich document in an instant. Just after its public opening, Microsoft released data of its usage which claimed, “It’s been only 10 weeks since we kicked off Sway Preview, and we’ve already had over one million unique visitors to and over 175,000 requests to join, and those numbers grow by thousands daily”, according to TechCrunch


It was thrown open to public by adding advanced features like enabling users to edit paragraphs or text from the canvas. Any user can use recorder section and import PDF into sway. There are UNDO and REDO buttons as well apart from bullets and numbering. To make your presentation a little more colorful, Sway has more color palette options. All these features makes the app more user-friendly. For people residing in Australia and New Zealand, Microsoft has a dedicated iPhone app as well.


Sway is ideal for people who wants to create a multimedia presentation having a modern appearance but at the same time, the creation isn’t that complex. You can begin editing by importing images, text or videos from any device like your desktop, laptop, smartphone etc.

Users’ Sway files get automatically stored in Microsoft’s Azure cloud whereas the photos used can be stored in OneDrive storage app. As per the Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella, Sway illustrates the next phase for productivity. One can have flexible layout options and have the capacity to format photos, text and video from web in creating a presentation.


It would be interesting to watch Sway evolve particularly when Microsoft will define the boundaries between Sway and its other Office apps. Will Sway turn into a blank canvas which can embed movies and music? Could a user insert HTML5 animation in the future? All these questions are awaited to be answered.

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