

The latest version of App-V 5.0 SP3 (which is part of MDOP 2014 R2) is now available in the market. If you compare it with the previous version – App-V 5.0 SP2, you will find that there are several advanced features in App-V 5.0 SP3. This is a complete guide which will introduce you to all the latest features. Read on to know more about it!



  1.   Connection Groups 2.0 – More Manageable and More Flexible
  2.   User RunVirtual Key
  3.   Merged Roots and PVAD Changes
  4.   Require Admin for Publishing


Below find the description of one of the features which has been updated in App-V 5.0 SP3 –


Merged Roots and PVAD changes:


It is no longer necessary to create a PVAD folder in the sequencer for each application. There is also no need to install the software which needs to be virtualized into that folder. But, there are certain applications that require PVAD installation. So, how will you handle such type of applications?


In both the versions of PVAD viz. APP-V 5.0 and current version of APP-V 5.0 SP3, there is a striking difference in the Primary virtualization Application directory (PVAD). If you look at the screenshots below, you will get a better idea. There are two different screenshots of sequencing application for Paint.NET in both versions of APP-V 5.0 and current version of App-V 5.0 SP3.


Version – APP-V 5.0

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As you can see, you need to mandatorily fill Primary Virtual Application Directory or PVAD in the earlier version of App-V 5.0.


Version – APP-V 5.0 SP3

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Here you can notice that in App-V 5.0 SP3, sequencer no longer requires Primary Virtual Application Directory or PVAD. But this is applicable only prior to sequencing the applications.




If you are looking for ways to enable PVAD in App-V 5.0 SP3, you can opt for either of the two options –


1)      Originally, the primary virtual application directory (PVAD) is hidden in the App-V 5.0 SP3, but you can make it visible using the following PowerShell cmdlt,

“-EnablePVADControl” when you launch the Sequencer GUI to show the PAD prompt like before.

2)      You can set a new registry under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\AppV|Sequencer\Compatibility\

EnablePVADControl and create DWORD value 1.

To enable PVADControl, see the screenshot below –

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For more information, please follow the below link


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