

Wondering how an App-V 5.0 package can be updated? You need to understand a few features to ensure a smooth update for the users.


First of all, the option for the application to automatically update itself should never be enabled. The update must be made a part of the sequencing process so that the version and integrity of the packages can be maintained. Also, it gives better control over delivery and ensures a seamless end-user experience.


There are three different options while trying to update package through the sequencer. These three options are ‘Update Application in Existing Package’, ‘Edit Package’ and ‘Add New Application’. With the Update option, the package is delivered back to the local operating system, a process that is called de-virtualization. One should select the update option if there are changes in the assets of the packages or major changes in file system/registry and the update has to be locally monitored. If the Edit option is selected, you can straightaway come to the package editor to make changes to deployment, file registry and configuration. If you do not wish to de-virtualize and want quick changes, then select this alternative.  While the Add option is similar to the update option, it gives the additional choice to configure a new application. This option is typically selected if the existing application needs to be updated and a new application needs to be installed.


If you wish to read a step-by-step guide on how to undertake the above actions, read the useful article related to App-V-5.0 sequencer.

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