

As per a recent survey, the number of organizations expected to have their IT systems entirely on the cloud by 2020 will grow by five times. The trend is already evident for startup companies but for others, a 100% transition of their IT on cloud-based systems is in the pipeline.

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The shift will imply that the role of IT personnel will change from managing server rooms, running system updates and scheduling maintenance activities to a more strategic level. They will be expected to contribute in decisions and activities like software development, enterprise architecture, business analytics and vendor relationship management. Some of the organizations that already have made that transition to cloud share their experience of expanding their IT teams’ role to business analysts and architects where their key responsibilities involve making blueprints and workflows to improve operations and business processes.


The trend also shows that younger and Google-based organizations are adopting the cloud infrastructure must faster than older and bigger organizations. For large organizations, the role of the CIOs will be critical in making that transition to cloud and some organizations may even opt for hybrid cloud implementation. With hybrid implementation, an organization uses a combination of using a public cloud provider and a private cloud provider (dedicated for a single organization). So they can store the confidential data on a private cloud while using computational resources from a public cloud.



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