

What’s Being Rolled Out


Fully revealed in the ignite conference, the new Office 365 Compliance Center was finally introduced. Microsoft stated that they wanted the new compliance toolset to offer features that will be:


  • Pervasive to protect
  • Transparent to enable and extend
  • People Centric for productivity


By pervasive, Microsoft means that they want the compliance toolset to fully integrate into the Microsoft 365 data system and be a built in system. Microsoft wants this new compliance toolset to be completely transparent in that you can store all your data in one place without having to split the data between any unrelated platforms. This takes away the pressure to constantly monitor responsibility to prove compliance around all this separated data. With a people Centric Compliance toolset, Microsoft wants to have fully compliance supported data housing without limiting productivity.


What is affected by These Changes?


Some somewhat more specific changes will be had in response to the previously mentioned tweaks.


  • Data duplication will be less common
  • Incomplete information is largely no longer an issue
  • Less fragmented compliance policies for users to ensure no data leaks/loss
  • Significantly faster data migration
  • Accessibility to pure or partial “on premises” server hosting options
  • Public folder preservation
  • Scheduled document deletion that is fully customizable
  • New eDiscovery 365 options that have instant indexing
  • Device protection with modern compliance policies


We know, this list of changes is pretty dramatic. These bullet points basically boil down to a full overhaul for data compliance as we know it in Office 365 to be absolutely upgraded. These aren’t the only changes though. Microsoft plans to follow up in the coming months and years with other additions like supervisory review, Analyze with O365 search, compliance center experiences, and quite a few more. We will be keeping a close eye on these exciting changes coming in from Microsoft as the weeks roll bye.


What People Are Most Pleased About?


Besides all these changed to make Microsoft products just that much less frustrating to use, there are some major changes that many have been awaiting for some time. It is definitely looking like the immutable preservation of public folders has been a huge relief for many people as their impending doom seemed inevitable at one point. Additionally, the eDiscovery function that can be used on public folder data is also a pretty huge addition to this toolset at it will save all kinds of manual searching time that was previously required.



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