




Let’s talk about Big Data. Well, what is Big Data Management?


“Big data management relates to organization, administration and governance of huge amounts structured and unstructured data.”


We’ll explore what this means a bit more in depth.


Can’t understand the future without the past


During the 1990’s, the internet really started to become what we now so lovingly call, “the Internet”.


Throughout these years, a massive development of user base lead to similarly massive development of data. Along with this exponential growth of data, external storage devices were designed to handle as much information as possible.


After this data growth progressed to the point at which IBM had to manage storing the quintillion bytes of data being created every day, the term “big data” was finally coined. And in turn, cloud storage technology has naturally been industrialized to fit our demands.


How today Big Data is stored?


Most companies either use Microsoft SQL server of Oracle Database to manage their data in data management systems. In Microsoft SQL, a dozen different editions are utilized by companies all over the world for their different market needs. Inside these data houses, SQL server allows the users looking at the data to do quite a few different things.


Putting cloud storage of our data to use


Where we go from here is the exciting part, as there is still so much to do with Big Data that is left untapped. Many companies struggle to handle the sheer volume of Big Data and in turn have a hard time pulling meaningful insights and uses out of it. Some, however have had more success than others like the famous Facebook, Amazon, and eBay. These companies capture mind-blowingly huge amounts of data (multiple petabytes/billions of photos) and manage this Big Data in a way that assures them of two things: the data is of high quality; and the data is easily accessible for analyzing to create new processes.


These “new processes” are pulled out of Big Data sets through Data Mining, AKA, Big Data Analytics. Data mining has been called nothing more than a buzzword by some, but for companies that know how to utilize it, the results are invaluable. Data Mining measures a vast spectrum of customer behaviors and uses those measurements to predict and optimize future variables with customer interactions. Some of the most popular uses of data analytics are to uncover patterns like customer preference, trends in the market, or correlations. In the data management industry, this is where the fabled “beer and diapers” product arrangement in department stores comes from.


Whether you’re looking to manage a deluge of data coming in everyday, clean up your existing data, or analyze data to mine customer interaction optimization, Microsoft SQL server can help. If you’re looking to learn a little more about what is possible with Big Data, check this page out next.



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