

Microsoft Dot Net India


Microsoft’s recently announced open source .NET core is more attractive than ever to a wide array of clients, especially cloud customers, for these three key reasons:


1.       This modular version of the .NET framework was created to maximize the shareability of code through .NET development communities.

2.       Fully portable across platforms while allowing instant code compilation to live update your target by simply refreshing.

3.       The Azure Cloud can be used to create load and effectively performance test code and act as a “hosting container” to remove hosting complexities.


Besides these major benefits, .NET core will allow .NET developers to start up faster, see improved performance in most areas, and see a cleaner deployment process overall.


As far as .NET development goes, these are some exciting new capabilities. Custom .NET application development may be as technical as ever, but these releases are shaping up to make writing in .NET and C# vastly less frustrating.


This revamped development framework is quite appealing to cloud users as a whole because of its seamless integration with Azure’s cloud service. Using Azure container service to scale an application is easier than ever, and it is likely Microsoft will be pushing this service heavily in the coming months.


As stated by Scott Hanselman from Microsoft,


“This means that you can build basically whatever you want, however you want.”

It’s a whole new world.


And as far as we can tell, .NET core is the future of .NET application development from Microsoft’s internal development team.


Here, you can see exactly where Microsoft is with .NET core and where they plan to go. Their listed major project goals are as follows

  • To be portable on all OS’ and architectures
  • Be the best performing and reliable coding framework
  • Intuitively use and begin coding in .NET core
  • Efficiency in the development of apps, components, samples, and other products


So far, it is looking like these project goals are well on their way to being accomplished. .NET application development is heading into a more connected future for both internal teams and outsourced developers alike.


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