


It was during one of the initial business meetings at our office that Piquet Law Firm told us their brand desperately needed a mobile solution. The moment I heard their requirements, I knew we were talking to a client who was quite passionate about what they needed. There was no doubt about them being a forward thinking law firm. The client wanted a new-age, super-fast, comprehensive, multi-lingual and user-friendly mobile application. They also wanted to provide real time updates to their customers on the case status.  When I heard their requirements during our first business meeting, I knew this was to be an exciting project.


As the client finished sharing details about their business and their requirements, our mobile development team (listening to them intently till now) were all brimming with ideas. We spent the next hour discussing the various possibilities for them and also showcased the various mobile applications that we have already developed for clients. The team prepared the specs over the next few days and discussed with the client regularly. When we finally had it all ready, we knew we would be giving a rocking app to this client.



Piquet Law was impressed with the adroitness and speed at which the team was able to understand and convert their requirements into a prototype. After an approval on the interface, the next phases involved thorough testing of various aspects. We integrated their social media links in their app, support for multiple languages, introduction to client’s business and ability to connect with the client with only a touch.


The iOS and Android based app got the client’s customers really interested. Over a period of time as they introduced the app to all their customers, the client was perceived as a tech forward law firm.


And we had an app that looked like:


Mobile App Developers Dallas

They even shared the most amazing feedback video with us –


Looking to develop a mobile app that will amaze the world? Call us +1(888) 712-4344



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