
With Azure services, you can offer your customers more choices. Enable them to hand off the management of several types of applications —including consumer-oriented Web applications, enterprise-oriented data integration, and compute-intensive analysis —to Microsoft data centers. Users, developers, and operators don’t have to concern themselves with the physical location of the servers, the data, or the application logic. Cloud computing makes everything available through the network.

You can develop customized solutions that leverage Windows Azure and SQL Azure together with Microsoft .NET Services, Microsoft Office Live Services, Windows SharePoint Services, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Services. And make the most of new business opportunities, like:

Extending existing investments. As you evolve your applications, you can use Azure services to expand the capabilities of your existing on-premises or Web-based offerings.

Reaching new customers. Usage-based pricing and cloud-based deployment mean lower entry costs for both you and your customers —enabling you to develop innovative applications and access new markets with less risk.

Reducing costs. Simplified deployments and reduced dependencies on hardware enable you to focus on higher-margin and higher-value services.

Looking to get your existing application migrated to Microsoft Azure

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